What type do I have ?


Lucky Dragon Geckos
South Florida
I just picked up a large adult male leo from a local pet store and I'm not certain of what I got. It looks like a blazing blizard ( which it was labeled ) but it has solid black eyes. There were 4 other males, all labeled "blazing blizard" All looked exactly alike, but this one had the solid black eyes. He is as white as a sheet of paper. The others had the typical eyes.
What is he ?
Sorry no photos yet.


Where did you buy it? They wouldnt be putting 5 males together they would kill each other...:(...Your gecko may have some Eclipse genes in it, but I doubt the wholesaler would sell a gecko that valuable to the pet store. If you could post pics that could help... :D


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
They wouldnt be putting 5 males together they would kill each other..[/QUOTE said:
The post didn't say anything about them being housed together . just that they had 4 other males


Pet stores never know what they have. A petsmart near me changed the label from "blizzard" to "blazing blizzard" after I asked if I could see the gecko's eyes (their tanks are locked, and the BB was in his hide. I ended up buying him). Then we got into an albino discussion and the next time I went in the sign was changed :main_rolleyes: As for a wholesaler selling eclipsed blizzards, it could be. Wholesalers are in the bussiness to move animals quickly, often shipping them out before they have grown much. I doubt they would be wasting there time with looking at the eyes... And the blizzard solid eye trait seems to randomly pop up in blizzard groups.

How old is the gecko? what color were the other blizzards eyes? (by normal do you mean grey?) Also, does he have a pinkish hue?


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
Blazing Blizzards will have a pinkish hue to them and their eyes should be pinkish or red.

Snake/Eclipse eyes are part of the APTOR/RAPTOR morphs so the terms Snake/Eclipse eyes should not be used when describing Blizzards. Solid or partial solid eyes in Blizzards seems to be random.

To help break it down a little more a Blizzard will lack spots and range anywhere from a dull yellow to greyish white and sometimes be a dark grey. These dark grey types have been dubbed "Midnight Blizzards". A Blazing Blizzard is a Blizzard that is also expressing the albino gene, thus causing it to look more like a pinkish white. There usually is no yellow on the BB. A regular Blizzard will have normal colored eyes, where as a BB will have red/pink eyes that come with the albino gene.

Anybody correct me if I'm wrong.

P.S. I would say that you have a regular Blizzard (with the solid eyes).

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