What will I get from these crosses?


New Member
Hi thanks for viewing I was wondering what I'd get if I crossed all these Leos together, thanks, btw Im saying 'geckos1, geckos2, etc" for the result of the breeding, thanks!!

Eclipse het RADAR x Bold Stripe Bell

Geckos1 x Tremper Blazing Blizzard

Geckos2 x Wild Caught Bloodline Leopard Gecko

Geckos3 x Mack Snow Wild Caught Bloodline Leopard Gecko

Geckos4 x Mack Snow Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko

Geckos5 x RAPTOR Leopard Gecko het Diablo Blanco

What would "Geckos6" be? Plz answer thxs.


New Member
Honestly? A complete mess, most likely.
Why do you say that?? Im going to buy from this breeder, he said these are what he did to create a awesome looking gecko, I asked him what kind and he said Wild Tremper Eclipse Cross but I never heard of that before so I asked for all of the genetics and he gave them as above... I was wondering what the results are, is it really a new morph he was talking about, the "wild tremper eclipse cross". i think he mentioned "bubblegum" too but i can't remember. I need to know what the genetics are for sure, because i'm going back to the reptile expo tomorrow to buy it if its really rare like he says.


New Member
Well lets see. Gecko1 is either Homozygous or Het Bell, so breeding Gecko1 to the Tremper was a OMGNOGO! Then later down the line breeding a het rainwater (gecko5) to a tremper(RAPTOR) would equal gecko6... another no go! An ethical crap storm in the making from what it looks like.


New Member
St. Petersburg, FL
Well lets see. Gecko1 is either Homozygous or Het Bell, so breeding Gecko1 to the Tremper was a OMGNOGO! Then later down the line breeding a het rainwater (gecko5) to a tremper(RAPTOR) would equal gecko6... another no go! An ethical crap storm in the making from what it looks like.

+1 to the above post. I'd stay far, far away from this breeder and find one that does not mix the albino strains.


New Member
You want to keep the albino strains, the snow strains and the eye pigments all pure. In other words, do not mix them up. The more they are mixed, the harder it is to keep any of the lines pure.

You should check out this write up from John at GeckoBoa - https://www.facebook.com/notes/geckoboa-reptiles/ethics-with-genetics/546291942084386

He goes into great detail about leopard gecko genetic crossing and why you shouldnt mix certain stuff.

You could also check out the following 3 video's from Matt of SaSobek's World of Reptiles!
Before You Start Breeding Leopard Geckos. - YouTube
Part 2 of Before You Start Breeding Leopard Geckos. - YouTube
Part 3 Finally lets talk Breeding. - YouTube

This is some good material whether new or old to the hobby!


New Member
Okay I will cuz I trust people here, but I just Ill just tell you what he told me, lol we talked forever! What a scammer :(

He said that the Eclipse het RADAR x Bold Stripe Bell was a pure cross, saying nothing was mixed. Not sure what that meant, now I do...
He said that he bred the Eclipse het RADAR x Bold Stripe Bell offspring to a Tremper Blazing Blizzard to get a unique 'jungle' look...
then he said he bred the Eclipse het RADAR x Bold Stripe Bell x Tremper Blazing Blizzard offspring to a Wild Caught Bloodline Leopard Gecko to "remove" the tremper and bell gene (which I didn't know why, now I do after reading the muddy waters sticky a moment ago)!
So then he said he got Wild Eclipse Cross, but he wanted to 'purify' it... and so he bred his "wild eclipse cross" (eclipse het radar x bold stripe bell x tremper blazimg blizzard x wild caught bloodline) to a Mack Snow Wild Caught Bloodline Leopard Gecko...
After THAT he said he wanted more albino because he was 'unpleased'...so he bred the Eclipse het radar x bold stripe bell x tremper blazing blizzard x wild caught bloodline x mack snow wild caught bloodline to a Mack Snow Rainwater Albino Leopard Gecko to add the rainwater gene... he said the gene made the tremper show less, and he just wanted a tremper/bell/rainwater mix.... so lastly he bred the to a RAPTOR Leopard Gecko het Diablo Blanco creating a 'wild tremper eclipse cross..'

I'm REALLY sad becuz I thought he was a knowledgable breeder, I really trusted him but I guess scammers are everywhere now.. :( thxs guys


New Member
If what you say is true, that guy is truly hurting the trade as a whole. It's nice that he told you the genes of those animals, not nice that he's still selling them and likely to people who will breed them...

I would suggest never talking to the guy again.

If you want really solid projects with high quality animals, look around on these forums. Some of these guys and gals have been in the trade for eons and produce some of the nicest geckos you will find. Spend the extra money to make sure what you have is good stuff! It will pay back in the long run!


New Member
Thanks a lot Chris, I believe honestly what i said is true we talked a lot so who knows if I missed anything.


New Member
United States
I had a guy at an expo try and sell my this;
Me: "What strain of albino is this?"
Him: "I believe tremper but what I have been doing is working with the eyes of albinos to get them as close to normal as I can so that they aren't so light sensitive. You see how dark its eyes are?" (they were regular albino eyes) "I have been line-breeding them so they can see better in the light. I just sold a gecko to a lady" (a 12-year old girl) "over there that had all the genetics to each albino strain. It really is a great specimen, you JUST missed out"
Me: "Well good luck." *walks away*

Just because they go to an expo, doesn't mean they know what they're doing. I would advise you to just work on making your "own" morph. Or maybe just line-breed an already existing morph to get certain traits, colors, and patterns that you really like.


New Member
Wow, I came back to give a less rushed, more in-depth answer, but it seems the others have it covered. That breeding "plan" is a huge mess of dirty genetics, crossing albinos and eye traits and everything.

Circumstances like that breeder trying to make a "cool morph" without any regard for (or understanding of) genetics is why it's hard for me to feel comfortable buying from any but specific, well-known breeders, and even then there's still a chance of something unexpected popping up. Oy!

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