what would be a good project to endeavor on?


New Member
i have a nice small group im working with, and i was wondering what good morphs i could aspire to make and what yall would suggest

i have a
F bell albino
F albino leucistic
F tremper albino GIANT
m albino leucistic

my main plans are to make some supergiants trempers and a giant raptor (supergiant raptor if i can)

anyone have any good suggestions?
im actualy hunting for a female dreamsicle, but was wondering if anyone knew of any good combos i could make, or some good males or females i could add to really enchance my colony
would love some opinions


New Member
Before you do anything, you should know what strain of albino the 2 leucistics are (tremper, bell, or rainwater albino). The strains are not compatible and shouldn't be crossbred/mixed.

Your giant tremper mated to the male raptor will give you a few "tremper het eclipse ph giant". Then next year breed a few pair of those back together and see if you get a giant raptor (slight chance of a super giant raptor).

Leopard Gecko Genetics Calculator


Ridgewood, NJ
The albino strains Bell and Tremper should be kept separate. If you don't know what kind of albinos the leucistics are I wouldn't breed them. There are also two leucistic traits, Murphy's patterless and Blizzard. They look fairly different from one another but it's good to know. If your geckos don't have any hets then it will take 2-3 years to make any combo morphs. The Reptile Calculator and the Leopard Gecko Wiki are great places to start learning :)


New Member
i dont know what the type of albino leucistics are, as the site doesnt specify.

and ive been playing with the reptile calculator myself for weeks. but it doesnt cover all the designers and newer stuff i see floating around. if it was more current i think it would do me alot better.

none of them have hets, so i know im lookin at a few years. but i was just wondering if anyone had any experience making really good morphs from my existing ones, and if they had any personal suggestions for others i should add


New Member
i dont know what the type of albino leucistics are, as the site doesnt specify.


none of them have hets, so i know im lookin at a few years.

If the site doesn't tell you what strain of albino is present, they probably do not bother to keep up with the "hets". So you leo's can very easily have "hets" that are just not listed by the breeder. It sounds like you got them from Rep by M___.. :(


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
and ive been playing with the reptile calculator myself for weeks. but it doesnt cover all the designers and newer stuff i see floating around. if it was more current i think it would do me alot better.

The Reptile Calculator does not include polygenic traits like stripes and other patterns, tangerine, etc. This is because these traits do not follow a simple inheritance pattern that can be calculated and are instead inherited as a blend and assortment of the traits of both parents. You can use the Leopard Gecko wiki to figure out what traits are polygenic. You can pretty much assume that if something isn't in the calculator, you'll have to imagine a range of appearances based upon the parents.

I'd take the albino leucistics out of the breeding pool if you cannot determine what genes they have. It will only lead to pointless test breeding and producing a lot offspring that many people will not want to buy.

I think the Tremper Giant and RAPTOR are a great pair to start. If you want to have a bunch of geckos you can interbreed, I'd stick with morphs based on Tremper albino and build your collection that way. Otherwise, you could split your collection between Tremper and Bell and get another Bell-based morph to breed with the Bell female.

I see a lot of people asking what breeding projects they should do, but you really should base your breeding collection on high-quality animals with known genetics that embody a morph you really like and want to work with. Just scan through the Leopard Gecko wiki and see what catches your eye. :)

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