What would you do?


New Member
Rochester New York
Alright we had friends staying with us with plans of getting a place together. They one day decided they were going to move back in with her parents. a little sudden but okay we can handle that. The problem arises when they left behind some belongings including 3 leos. We asked what they were going to do with them, and were told he was going to ask his mom to take them back cause his in-laws wont allow them in their home(they came to me in bad shape from her to begin with). A few weeks go by and nothing. We asked him to remove a few other items and were told on his next day off they would come get them.... Again nothing. They have been gone since early-mid September, and since the day the geckos came into my house I have been the only one to buy food, give it to them, water, and clean up after them.

I guess my question is what should I do? Give them 1 more chance to take them, or consider them abandoned? Also if I do consider them abandoned and they turn up wanting them back in a few months or when ever they decide to move out of state do I even have the right to reject them?

My husband has been friends with him for almost 18 years so I don't want to ruin kill any chance of them reconnecting later on down the line. However I also don't want them to be neglected again and suffer a slow death like 3 others they had with his mom. Any advise is appreciated.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
Technically possessionis 9/10ths of the law. If you have proof you've been taking care of them such as recipts for food/care then that backs up your ownership claim. Take some date/time stamped pix to show exactly how long they have been with you and document any corrispondences you set the original owner requesting him to come get them. I work by the baseball rules... 3rd strike and you're out... I'd make the one more attempt to have him collect his herps, state a specific date for him to get there by or else, and if he doesn't reply or says he'll get them and doesn't the leos are yours.


New Member
Elgin, Tx
I'm gonna agree with Dog Shrink. Make a final attempt for them to claim the geckos, and if they don't claim them by the set time, consider them abandoned to you.


Love My Leo
Do you want them jess6905?? If so just tell them you will take them if they dont want them. It sounds to me like they have no where to take them and have nothing they can do, but dont want to step up to the plate and actually say that. So if you want them tell them just that. I would bet they would say sure, and prob even be relieved you did


New Member
For a Klondike bar? I would self-shave my eyebrows on the top of a snowy mountain. Or pay a few bucks at 7/11.
Anyways, I would say that if you care about them, keep tending to their needs, but do not allow the people to get them back. If they were in bad shape, it could be considered animal abuse.


New Member
Rochester New York
Thanks everyone. Out of the 4 that came here only one was in good shape(the male). One of the females actually died after a few days here, and I'm still trying to get one of the others weight back up. I think she actually needs to get to a vet which if I have to pay for he really isn't getting her back. The third female is doing great now. I guess I'll give him a call tomorrow and see what he says this time.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
wow well done. It seems like YOU really care for them and THEY dont. I think you should keep them, i think its better for the leo's. thats if your actually wanting to keep them.


New Member
Rochester New York
I would rather they stay with me than be bounced around all the time. Since I've had the time to get to know them a bit we all like each other more. Even my husband whos not a herp fan is taking a liking to them


Shillelagh Law
Technically possessionis 9/10ths of the law.

Not really. It's just sort of a saying, with about as much legal weight as "Finder's Keepers!"

That said...

If you have proof you've been taking care of them such as recipts for food/care then that backs up your ownership claim. Take some date/time stamped pix to show exactly how long they have been with you and document any corrispondences you set the original owner requesting him to come get them. I work by the baseball rules... 3rd strike and you're out... I'd make the one more attempt to have him collect his herps, state a specific date for him to get there by or else, and if he doesn't reply or says he'll get them and doesn't the leos are yours.

That is mostly excellent advice. Courts do tend to look favorably on the individual who has been putting in the effort and generating the expense of caring for an animal if ownership is ever called into question. Especially if it can be proved that attempts were made to facilitate the return of the animals to the individual who owns them (as in, purchased them and owns them) which were ignored. I would not put an ultimatum in any of the requests, but I would definitely make certain that they are clearly dated and specifically worded- then if it ever comes down to a small claims court case or a police report filed for stolen property, judges will tend to quickly fall on your side. Especially if abandonment/neglect issues are the alternative.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
If you are caring for someone else's animal in your home and paying for everything including vet costs, you are providing a "pet sitting service" which requires compensation for expenses incurred plus your time. Keep accurate detailed records. The line has to be drawn somewhere for doing a friend a favor. THis person needs to understand it is costing $$ you every day you have their animals in your care. I think you and your husband should discuss all the options with his friend and come to a solid agreement that everyone can be happy with and the animals are properly cared for. If he surrenders them to you, have an agreement prepared for him to sign forfeiting any claim to the geckos, like any animal rescue would require. Hopefully it will all turn out okay :) Good luck :)


New Member
Rochester New York
So they stopped over yesterday finally. They still have no plan for them, and have yet to offer any assistance with food costs. I had him look at the female that has been having issues, and stopped eating(temps are all fine) 3 weeks ago. His response to seeing her was that "its winter so she is going to eat less". If she has eaten anything it was 1 super worm a week ago. His wife agrees that there is something else wrong with her but they can't/won't do anything for her, and don't want to give any of them up..... I had to bring the others out for him to see(he only asked about snow, and didn't even recognize the other female when she came out). He also said something bout thinking the one they left with his mom is going to die because he is loosing weight, and still eating. I'm at a loss for what to do.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
The <insert selective words> jerks. People like that should never have animals with that kind of irresponsible attitude. If it were me I would not allow them in my home again, and tell them the animals had to be surrendered to a rescue for proper treatment because they were sick. The downside to that is they could call the police and accuse you of theft. Short of you taking some kind of legal action, there really isn't much you can do but take care of the geckos the best you can.


Look up your local laws. I know in some states that you can personally seize/hold animals if their welfare is in jeopardy. Take pictures of the animals (daily/weekly with a time stamp to show their change in condition), log what you have spent in food/heating/shelter costs, time you put in to them, etc. And then call up your local animal control to see what there is that you can legally do.
Most of all try to keep a level head when dealing with these knuckle-dragging imbeciles. Once the geckos are safely out of harm's way, let the jerks know exactly what they did wrong. You don't want to put them on the defensive and possibly make them decided to take their animals back with them before you can do anything.

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