What's the best time to go to a reptile expo?


New Member
Hi, I heard the first day, they come out with the best quality geckos. The last day, you can still get a really great gecko, but you'll have a better chance to bargain for a better price. Since this will be my very first leo (yay :D) I don't want to spend so much money on it just in case, you know :( God forbid. I've done my research, and I'm pretty confident I can keep my gecko happy and healthy, but you never know. Anyways, I'm thinking going the last day, but it seems like these expos get really crowded and the line to get in is super long. I was wondering if I should go 2 hours early? Is that TOO early? My dad isn't exactly the patient kind, and he always loves to get to places early, so what would be the best time so we don't have to wait so long? I don't live far away at all, so it's not a huge issue if I'm too early haha I'll be too preoccupied with being excited xD So any advice is greatly appreciated :) I'm going in February and I just can't wait! This will be my very first reptile expo, and I will be getting my very first leo :) very exciting! Well, for me that is xD Thanks in advance! :D


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
For the best choice go early, for the best price go late. Depends if you're looking for a specific thing and how much is available. Since this is your first leo, an older juvie to sub-adult would be good as they aren't as fragile as a baby. You'll have a great time looking at everything!


New Member
Thank you! I think I'm going to look for a bold stripe. I like leos that have a little bit of spots. The normals a little too many spots for me haha Well, a bold stripe isn't really supposed to have spots, but a lot I've seen do. Oh well, I'll find out when I get there :)


New Member
NE Ohio
If you are looking for a basic striped gecko, and not too concerned about the specific genetics for breeding purposes then going the second day might be a good choice. You may be able to find a deal at a table if the seller is looking to take home as few animals as possible. I agree that a larger juvie, sub-adult or adult would be the best choice for a first time owner. They may cost a bit more than a small hatchling, but they are not as fragile as was mentioned before. Also, at the larger size you can be more certain what the adult pattern will be. Some animals can change dramatically between hatchling and adult. If you are concerned about crowds and time constraints you might want to look at a smaller local show as compared to one of the large national shows. Both can be fun for different reasons, and some of the same vendors participate at both types of shows. Hope you find what you are looking for, and have a good time.


New Member
Dansville, NY
I agree go both days and enjoy the show. You can get good deals on both days but more than likely your best deals will come a couple hours left on the second day.


New Member
Mesa, Arizona
Here in AZ we only get 2..maybe 3..shows a year. It really sucks. I am always an hour early. I scope out everyone, then get my cheap purchases (Deals I know are good). That takes about 4-5 hours. Then I go back the second day at the end and see if there are any cheap buys. So far I really haven't found anything the second day. I think it is best if you really want a specific animal to scope it out in all the different breeders and find the best one and buy it the first day.But only if you want something really specific.

My boyfriends hates going to shows..EVERY show I have been to, I have got some animal for FREE. Last show (at the mesa convention center in november) I got a free cornsnake because she had a kink and he thought I would take good care of her.
Last year at Tucson a breeder gave me a free leopard gecko because he "liked talking to me" and I bought 2 others from him. The previous year I got a free crested gecko because I won a trivia game. :D


New Member
Austin, Texas
First day right when they open you're going to have most of the 'best' ones out there, but the breeders will be harder to talk down, or won't be willing to go as low. The second day will be still a lot to choose from but not the 'best' ones. But if you're looking for just a pet I suggest just going on the last day. I went on the last day with just a couple hours to spare and was able to get nice ones. All depends on who's there and how big it is.


New Member
Thanks everyone! Hmm...I think...I'm going to go early the second day :) I really love bold stripes, but I don't think it really matters to me haha I'm not a big fan of albinos, but I saw one in Petco and it kept staring at me. It was the cutest thing ever! I didn't care if it was albino, I would've taken it home. But I had no knowledge of how to take care of them at all at the time, so it wouldn't have been a good idea haha Oh well, I'll find my perfect gecko when I get there. Even if it's a morph I wasn't looking for, I'll love it forever :D


New Member
Antioch, California
I have also been thinking of show dates. Here in California we have dates ranging from January to June and October. For me the October show looks like the sell out period of the season and when a lot of my younger offspring will be available due to my brumation period. June will probably get a good pick of my A+ geckos that didn't get paired up. Just an interesting thought from a breeders perspective. :D


New Member
I have also been thinking of show dates. Here in California we have dates ranging from January to June and October. For me the October show looks like the sell out period of the season and when a lot of my younger offspring will be available due to my brumation period. June will probably get a good pick of my A+ geckos that didn't get paired up. Just an interesting thought from a breeders perspective. :D

Thanks for the info! I'm in NJ, and there's only one show in February for this whole year >.< All the other shows are too far away...I would say at least 2 hours including traffic...I hope there's still a good selection though :) Leopard gecko breeders don't seem to be very popular here in NJ...I can't find any online...I was trying to look for a good reputable breeder who might be going to the show, but I came up with nothing haha

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