What's wrong with my leo?


New Member
Hey all,

I'm new here, and I am pretty worried about my leo. He is ten years old, and I got him about 5 months ago from a friend. He had been doing very well--he ate well, and he would even check his bowl periodically to see if I had added anything!
But lately, he has been very lethargic...constantly hiding in his wet hide, rarely moving out--he still eats pretty regularly, but it seems to be about every 2-3 days rather than every day, and he poops maybe once every 5 days. I recently noticed he seems very weak--he had trouble getting on top of his hide, where he likes to sit sometimes, and his pupils are fully dilated (completely black). He just shed yesterday, and he had no problems.

Can anyone help??? I am very worried.




Ridgewood, NJ
Everything you describe sounds pretty normal for a healthy leo except the trouble getting around bit. A lot of leos, especially older ones, only need to eat a couple times a week and are much more lazy, verging on lethargic, than younger ones. Around this time of the year as days get shorter and temperatures get cooler they slow down even more. If you're worried it never hurts to visit a reptile vet for a wellness check.

If you provide a bit more information about your husbandry and set up by filling out the info in the following thread folks may be able to give you better advice: http://geckoforums.net/f130-health-medications/70912.htm

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