When and how to start handling Greg?


New Member
We got Greg the leopard gecko about 3 weeks ago and he's doing great after a rough first week and a half. He's about 6 months old now (guessing...). At first we had mealies in the tank but he wasn't eating them (not sure if it was cuz he couldn't see/reach them). Then I hand fed him 9 that he gobbled up....then didn't eat for 3-4 days...and was having digestive issues, and he was real skinny. And the tank wasn't warm enough....
So, we put in a heat light and got the temp to about 88 on average on warm side...and switched to small crickets! What a difference. He's been eating 5-8 small crickets a day and his tail is nice a thick and he is just strutting around the tank like he's king! We are loving him now.

Now, to my question. How do I start getting Greg used to being handled? I go in his tank daily to clean up his messes, change water, etc... and he doesn't freak out too much. IF someone moves quickly he darts into his hide...but then is out within seconds. He's even sleeping outside his hide sometimes so I figure he's pretty comfy. When should I start trying to pick him up? I don't want to stress him.

Thanks everyone!!!
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New Member
When and how to start handling

I think he's ready to start getting to know his owners! Now that he's settled on and eating well, you can try interacting with him. To start, only do short periods of time to get him used to handling. If he's particularly skittish you could try just sitting with your hand in his tank near him so he realizes hands aren't scary. Then try picking him up (I'd use the cupping method I described in a similar post in this thread). Hold him for a few minutes then put him back. Once he seems to be calm with you, then you can lengthen the periods of time and try petting his back, feet, head, etc. This will come in handy for if he ever had stuck shed you need to remove.

Just judge his attitude and stress level as best you can and make adjustments. Some days may be better than others. Remember than just cause he was calm and happy for ten minutes yesterday doesn't mean he'll be the same today. Eventually he'll settle and be a great pet!

Also, usually around a year old they settle down considerably. My 2yo was a monster as a baby. I couldn't even remove his tank lid without him freaking out. Now he's a sweet heart and let's me to pretty much whatever I want with him. He sits on my shoulder for hours just hanging out and is a fabulous model for my crazy photo shoots. Just be patient :)


New Member
Thanks Pheonix1115!
Success! I Put my hand in his tank and he quickly went into his hide, but came out soon enough and licked my thumb a few times, then went and lied down beside my hand! I will count that a step in the right direction! Woohoo, can't wait til tomorrow! Photo-shoots! Love it! CAn't wait til Greg is chill enough for some cool shots!

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