When breeding leos can they be kept as a trio in a 35qt tub?



When breeding leos can they be kept as a trio in a 35qt tub? The tub is a latch top, and can i keep two females and one male in it, then remove the male once the females start laying eggs, or should i put the male in for only a little at a time, with both females living in their until they are out of eggs, or should i just move the male into each female leo's 15qt tub for x amount of time?


New Member
if you look further down the posts forum you'll see many of these same questions being answered.... Everybody does it differently, from what I"ve heard you can let them breed but if she gets to thin, or if anything irregular happens, strange poop, not eating ect ect remove her immeditely.

Some people leave the male in the enclosure before breeding season so they get used to eachother some people wait til they see the female is in ovulation before putting the male in!!! You should look through the forum and see all the d ifferent replys :)

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