Last sept. I bought a gecko off craigslist(along with 2 others) for fairly cheap. When i had got home the seller had informed me the one could be gravid and i should expect eggs. Well sure enough she did lay. Now the seller said that she was bred to his giant tremper. I seen said "gaint" and wasnt impressed. My males who are not gaints looked alot bigger(and weight a bit more) but he said he bought him from Ron tremper and that he is a giant...Well! Said egg hatched. Now the baby nearing 5 months(april 3rd she will be) she is at 50 grams and gaining! Nearly right outta the egg she was eating. So what do yall think? I can post pics of her if necessary. Her mother is a F-A-T gecko. After she laid she just ate ate ate!(she was very thin when i got her). So could she just be a fat gecko too?