where to start???

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
Right now, my husband is out of control. He is going around the house breaking things, punching walls, and going ballistic. I am locked in this room trying to maintain my sanity. My life and marriage have been a nightmare for the past few years, and I have no one to talk to at this moment. I don't know what to do or where to go. I am disabled, with a bunch of geckos. I feel totally trapped, and have nowhere to go. I fell like I am going insane.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Ugh, I'm sorry Marcia. If this has been a nightmare for years and he's acting out of control, the easiest thing for me to say is pack up. You shouldn't have to deal with someone like that. However, I don't know the full situation. Have you had a chance to confront him and talk? Is it possible things can change? Would you be happy if things did change? Do you have anyone else you may be able to talk to?

Feeling trapped is not a feeling you want to have. Let us know if there's anything all of us here can do. Also, you know the phone's always on. I hope you can get things figured out Marcia.


I'm baaaaaack!
Marcia, I'm sorry to hear that he seems to be having an identity crisis as he apparently has forgotten that he isn't five years old. That is definitely not a situation you nor anyone else should be subjected to.

If you need someone to talk to, you know I'm here (yes I finally made it home to TX!). If worse comes to worse, you know you can box up the geckos, ship them on down, and get yourself a one-way ticket. Seriously. It'd be no big deal to convert the office to a gecko room and move my bedroom upstairs.


Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
I love you, Paul. Truth is, I just wish he would leave, but he wont. He seems to think this house is HIS because he earns the money to pay the mortgage. I used to have a good career and made good money. I used to be able to contribute more. I used to be healthy and pain free. I used to be a lot of things I'm not anymore.

There was a time when I had more self-esteem and could have supported myself. I just don't have the the mental or physical stamina to even stick up for myself anymore.

I have been considering selling all but just a few of my geckos so it would be easier to go away. But my animals are the reason I get up every morning, and without them I would be completely lost and my days meaningless. This is my home. I have a deep psychological fear of being homeless as a result of being homeless as a teenager... sleeping in parked cars and eating out of garbage cans behind restaurants.

I know that this current crisis will pass, and things will go smoothly for awhile.. but it will happen again. It always does. Eventually, it will happen for the last time.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I so sorry this is going on! I'd seriously consider taking up Nancy or Paul on their offer. No one should have to put up with being afraid in their own home.

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