White out and het patternless pair


Gecko Breeder
I have 3 African Fat Tail geckos i need to get rid of, the sooner the better. All feeding on crickets and roaches.
I purchased all these geckos with the goal of starting a white out patternless project, but with my enlistment into the Marine Corps I wont have enough time to even start the project. All prices are OBO.

0.1 White out (Granite Line) (2-3years old) 600$ OBO
0.1 het patternless 125 OBO
1.0 het patternless (stripe) 100 OBO

I cant post pictures and weights right now, but send me an email and I will get that to you as soon as possible.

50$ for shipping via UPS.

All 3 for 775 shipped. OBO

Please PM here or send an email to:
[email protected]

Thank you.

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