I have a juvenile male leopard gecko right now. He's the first gecko I've had since rehoming a small colony I had many years ago. He is different though. Now, back then I only had 2 males the whole time I was keeping leo's. The rest were all female. Anyway, my current leo Bert is more outgoing and friendly than any leo's I had years ago. He loves to come out of his enclosure and he will beg me for attention. If he is in the mood to come out and I go to do something in his enclosure he begins to crawl on my hand and up my arm. However, every once in a while (twice in the past six weeks) he gets ultra spooked about something. I have no idea what it is or why. But he will get spooked and run across his cage in a frantic way. Then he will spend the next couple of days staying on the cool side of his enclosure and moving real slow and doing the slow tail wag anytime you walk into the reptile room. He also won't eat during these couple of days. No leo I've ever had have had these spooked episodes. He is the first one. Does anyone else have a leo that acts like this? Again, when he is not spooked he is very friendly and outgoing.
I wanted to add that the last time he did this, even after he recovered I kept seeing him waving his tail at his reflection every now and then. I had dark blue construction paper taped to the outside of the glass then, and I took it down when I saw this. Things improved, but I'm wondering if seeing his reflection is what happened again even though there is no construction paper now. I don't know, it's possible I guess......
I wanted to add that the last time he did this, even after he recovered I kept seeing him waving his tail at his reflection every now and then. I had dark blue construction paper taped to the outside of the glass then, and I took it down when I saw this. Things improved, but I'm wondering if seeing his reflection is what happened again even though there is no construction paper now. I don't know, it's possible I guess......
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