Wild caught lizzards


New Member
I am so mad.....more at myself then anything. I make a point of not buying wild caught animals. I think it is just aweful to take an animal from the wild and put it in a tank( even a large one). We went to a show on Saturday and bought a collered lizard. The girl at the booth said that all their animals are CB. Well I emailed the owner to ask a question. Our lizard is gravid and I forgot to ask the exact date of breeding. Come to find out she was wild caught only 2 weeks ago. Now I am worried to death about her and I feel aweful that I bought her. She ate 4 crickets yesterday and took some water from the dropper. We tried to make her tank as naturalistic as possible so hopefully her and her eggs will be ok.

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
She should be fine. All reptiles have to originally come from the wild, we just have to make sure we do it in such a manner that they do not go extinct from over capturing.

I do not honestly know much about the care of the lizard but if you just take a deep breath and research a bit everything will turn out fine. If her stress levels weren't too high during capture you may even end up with two new babies!

Also, 4 crickets is good for a first feeding on a new animal.


New Member
I realize that SOMEONE had to have taken the first gecko out of the wild but I don't particularly like being one of those someones. I mean can you imagine going from all the room in the world to going to 55 gal tank????? She has eaten twice and seems to be adjusting well. Like I said I just feel bad that I helped take an animal out of the wild and cage it up. I know that may be stupid to alot of people but ........it is just how I feel.


New Member
I can understand why you're upset, I'm not a big fan of taking wild caught animals either. I purchased a salamader about a year ago, assuming it was CB. The poor girl wouldn't eat for me and was very lethargic, I contacted the vendor and sure enough she had been caught just a few days prior to shipping. She passed after about 8 days and I felt absolutely horrid.

I understand that all pets have to start out as wild caught, but in my ideal world they would be caught and bred by people that had studied their natural habitats and behaviors. Only the bred offspring would be passed on to the public... but alas... the real world doesn't function this way. I avoid WC's, simply because I'm not comfortable with it, but to each their own.

I saw the vendor you purchased your collered from, they were great looking reptiles, I thought about picking one up myself haha. I think the majority of his collection was WC, which was what stopped me, but nevertheless... good luck with your new addition! They all looked young and healthy and if it's already eating for you I'd say you've got a good chance.


Escaped A.I.
Tempe Az
tis definately best to avoid wildcaught.

in many places the animals are going extinct due directly to the pet trade.


I guess I should add that, I myself believe that if an animal is already domesticated, then there should be NO reason to bring a wild animal from one environment to the next. My earlier response was just something to think about. I think such a major change in an animals habitat causes too much stress which usually is why they die.


New Member
I took a fecal sample in to the vets office and she checked out negative for parasites which was a big concern of mine. The vet also explained how we can use a little olive oil and a magn. glass to check for mites which is another issue with WC, I guess. I did that last night and couldn't see any. Everyday that she eats , I am less worried about her health but I still worry about her happiness. We had her in a 20 gal until we found out she was a WC then we moved her into a 55 gal set up. Next year I would like to get a CB male. I want her to have plenty of time to adjust before I get a male. As soon as we saw her I got on the web and found out how to care for her so atleast we were prepared.

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