Wild juvenile, advice?


New Member
Quincy, IL, U.S.A.
I've been raising 6 juveniles, one of which will scurry about his tank when I enter the room as if he's dinner and when I can manage to pick it up it calms down a bit but now he's deciding to try and eat my hand after a minute or so. I figured it was residual food so I cleaned my hands real well and still he wants a chunk of finger! Advice?


Along with what the top user is asking, how long has you had them? If they're new, they may still be stressed. The two leos I own adjusted quite quickly. However, the one I bought for my friend last year took a week or two to settle down. So, in conclusion, if they're new, just wait until they're settled in. That would be a two-four week period. You don't want to stress them out more.

Now, if you've had them for quite some time, then you need to slowly get them use to you. Just put your hand in the tank near them at a comfortable distance and leave it there for a little while. Do this once or twice a day. Also try hand feeding. If they know the food comes from you, then they will likely know you aren't a threat. You just need to be patient. This worked wonder for Ahriman. She was VERY nasty, now they're one of my nicest geckos.

Lastly, your gecko may just be one of those who don't enjoy being held. Should this be the case, then hold them only when you have to clean the cage. I generally do this even though all of my are pretty good about it. All reptiles should only be held minimally.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. There are many members on here that know far more about leos than I do. I only have about two years of experience with them. Good luck! :D


New Member
Many geckos are skittish when they are young, and they eventually grow out of it. Some grow out of it sooner, some later. Key is having the patience, and understand that leopard geckos tolerate handling, and their tolerance level differ from gecko to gecko.

I've had absolutely wild and crazy geckos that will snap at my fingers. But without doing anything extra, with time, they've all become calm gentle creatures. So a bit of patience can go a long way.


New Member
Quincy, IL, U.S.A.
I've had reptiles as far back as i can remember so i'm pretty well acquainted with proper handling/care ect. I received this little guy in March(probly born in Feb, or Jan) as a hatchling and only in last month has he begun this behavior. I'm expecting he just needs more tlc than others but his behavior really stands out and is increasing and he's developing an irregular pattern so i'm wondering if he's possibly enigma?(which i have no first hand experience with)

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