Will i get a RADAR/Mack RADAR from these? +rep


New Member
Outer Space
The breeder told me they were from Snow Bell 100% het Radar X Bell Enigma 100% het radar

So will i get RADAR & Mack RADAR offsprings from these?
04361332_78da1ac15285b5b933e92672d9345a3d852c7593.jpg 042229751_cfc1ee78d7510092a0ed85ff56b96b5b1ab4cb1a.jpg
I have yet to see their eyes

What's the diff between the two snow bell albinos? Or is it a mack snow trait to be dark&white when still a hatchling? will it develop a yellowish color too?

-Sorry i totally forgot what to look for. Please enlighten me (Former leo keeper trying to come back years after quitting)



New Member
Outer Space
Or i'm better off gettin his Bell Enigma het Radar(male) and cross it with a Snow Bell het Radar which i could also get stealths etc and the other hets? But will the percentage be lower for getting both RADAR and STEALTH with this combo??


New Member
Outer Space
And last question. Will i see the eclipse/snake eye trait on these bells or is it just for trempers? Can't wait to see their eye shots

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New Member
Outer Space
radar = Bell eclipse so yes you might see eclipse, snake eye.

genetics & het's explained:
Matt on genetics

Thanks! So i that's what i should be looking for when examining their eyes? What if it doesnt show will it still be considered het for bell and het for eclipse(radar) Cause i tried the calc and they might just be bells and snow bells with or without hets for bells and eclipses considering they're from 100% het radar, parents not from het radar x Radar.. Kinda risky eh?


New Member
Rhode Island
Pairing Snow bell het Radar/Eclipse x Bell enigma het Radar/Eclipse will result in approximately a 1/16 chance of hitting at snow radar. I personally would stay away from the enigma/stealth. I know the awesome, but I wouldn’t purchase stuff unless they are from a respected breeder because of the enigma syndrome. For Radars there eyes will either be snake eyed/ or solid eye. You can’t physically tell gets you need to prove them out. Thats another reason to make sure you’re buying from a respectable breeder.

Leopard Gecko Genetics Calculator

Hope this helps


New Member
Outer Space
Pairing Snow bell het Radar/Eclipse x Bell enigma het Radar/Eclipse will result in approximately a 1/16 chance of hitting at snow radar. I personally would stay away from the enigma/stealth. I know the awesome, but I wouldn’t purchase stuff unless they are from a respected breeder because of the enigma syndrome. For Radars there eyes will either be snake eyed/ or solid eye. You can’t physically tell gets you need to prove them out. Thats another reason to make sure you’re buying from a respectable breeder.

Leopard Gecko Genetics Calculator

Hope this helps

Thanks bro! I guess i just need to take the risk and try prove them out..

I was thinking of getting his Snow Bell het Radar & Bell het Radar [Told me they're from Snow Bell 100% het radar X Bell Enigma 100% het radar]
I just hope his Snow Bell is het for radar/eclipse..

Tried the calc for Snow bell het Radar x Bell Enigma het Radar (parents of the pics above) and i got this:

1/16 Bell Albino
1/16 Bell Albino Enigma
1/8 Bell Albino Enigma het Eclipse
1/8 Bell Albino het Eclipse
1/16 Snow Bell Enigma
1/16 Snow Bell Enigma het Eclipse
1/16 Snow Bell
1/8 Snow Bell het Eclipse
1/16 Snow Radar
1/16 RADAR
1/16 RADAR Enigma(is this stealth?)
1/16 Stealth

And for the Snow Bell het Radar x Bell het Radar (If i hit the jackpot on the hets)

1/8 Bell Albino
1/4 Bell Albino het Eclipse
1/8 Snow Bell Albino
1/4 Snow Bell Albino het Eclipse
1/8 Snow RADAR

So the chances are higher for getting het eclipse than het for nothing for the (pics above=offspring)?
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New Member
Outer Space
It's gettin more clear now. Thanks for the help guys! I think i'd be concentrating on the Radar/Mack Radar project hopefully I'd get some awesome stuff.


New Member
Rhode Island
Visual x Het = 100% het ( all babies will look normal but will be 100% het Radar)

Het x Het = 66% het ( you were right, lets say you’re trying to get tramper albinos, this pairing will result in 1/4 albinos, 1/4 normals, and 2/4 actual hets thats the results on the reptile calculator I sent you.. If you do it on an actual punnet square, your result will be 4 boxes. Leave the albino (tt) out of it you’ve already got what you wanted. This is why you are working with thirds because you are now working with three boxes. So focus on the other three boxes. One should be NN the other two should be Nt. 2/3 of the babies are actually het but you can’t physically tell hets, so all the Normal looking babies will be sold as 66% het Tremper. Hope that made sense.

Normal x Het = 50% Het and 50% Normal. All the babies will look normal. Again you can’t physically tell gets so all babies will be sold as 50% het Tremper Albino


New Member
Outer Space
Visual x Het = 100% het ( all babies will look normal but will be 100% het Radar)

Het x Het = 66% het ( you were right, lets say you’re trying to get tramper albinos, this pairing will result in 1/4 albinos, 1/4 normals, and 2/4 actual hets thats the results on the reptile calculator I sent you.. If you do it on an actual punnet square, your result will be 4 boxes. Leave the albino (tt) out of it you’ve already got what you wanted. This is why you are working with thirds because you are now working with three boxes. So focus on the other three boxes. One should be NN the other two should be Nt. 2/3 of the babies are actually het but you can’t physically tell hets, so all the Normal looking babies will be sold as 66% het Tremper. Hope that made sense.

Normal x Het = 50% Het and 50% Normal. All the babies will look normal. Again you can’t physically tell gets so all babies will be sold as 50% het Tremper Albino

Thanks alot bro! It's all coming back to me nooooowwwww! lol


New Member
United States
Visual x Het = 100% het ( all babies will look normal but will be 100% het Radar)

Het x Het = 66% het ( you were right, lets say you’re trying to get tramper albinos, this pairing will result in 1/4 albinos, 1/4 normals, and 2/4 actual hets thats the results on the reptile calculator I sent you.. If you do it on an actual punnet square, your result will be 4 boxes. Leave the albino (tt) out of it you’ve already got what you wanted. This is why you are working with thirds because you are now working with three boxes. So focus on the other three boxes. One should be NN the other two should be Nt. 2/3 of the babies are actually het but you can’t physically tell hets, so all the Normal looking babies will be sold as 66% het Tremper. Hope that made sense.

Normal x Het = 50% Het and 50% Normal. All the babies will look normal. Again you can’t physically tell gets so all babies will be sold as 50% het Tremper Albino
a visual x het would give you half visual half het

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