Won't Eat After Second Clutch

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico

My female laid her second clutch on monday. The eggs look good. So far they candle yellow but they're staying pretty plump and white.

Anyways, I'm starting to worry about my female. She wouldn't eat after her first clutch and now she won't eat after her second. She's only eaten one cricket. She's lost a considerable amount of weight and it's concerning. What should I do?

Neon Aurora

New Member
New Mexico
She's in a 20 gallon aquarium at the moment. Hot spot is at 90 or sometimes a little warmer, cool at about 80. She has a cool hide, warm hide, and humid hide/laybox. She's lives by herself. She laid her second clutch exactly four weeks after her first one. She spends all her time on the warm side, only leaves it to poop and sometimes to wander around at night. Other than not eating, she seems pretty healthy. No problem with the eggs, regular and successful sheds. She still poops even though she isn't eating and she still comes out at night to be more active. I offer crickets and mealworms, but so far she doesn't seem interested in the mealworms at all and only ate one cricket the first time I offered after I found the eggs.

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