won't eat


Don't Say It's Impossible
Gainesville, Fl
Hey everyone!

My male beardie is eating very little. He is acting strange too. I used to be able to pick him up with no problems but now he runs around the tank like a mad-man. The female I have in a seperate tank is eating just fine on dubia. Could it just be he doesn't like the roaches? Or is there a greater issue here? Neither of them eat their veggies...they just sit there and drie out. The female will eat about 25 larger small dubia a day the male will eat maybe 3-4....if that. I've seen him not even eat. So, can I have some advice. The temps are correct and he has nice solid poop. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


well any beardie that does not eat is probably ill beardies are normally the best eaters but there could be other reasons is he of breeding age he may be makeing himself nuts trying to breed with a female he cant get too also do try crickets or super worms he may just not know what the heck those roaches are but keep an eye on him


Ghoulish Geckos
Sometimes Norman will refuse his roaches for awhile. He loves hornworms and silkworms so I give him those, too. I think he just likes variety. I do notice that some weeks he'll only eat 2-3 large roaches a day and then the following week he'll pig out and eat 8-10+ large ones a day. He doesn't eat many of his veggies either. Just once in awhile.

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