Won't eat


New Member
My gecko just stares at the glass as 3-4 cricket run by her... she hasn't ate for a few days now... I had her on desert litter blend sand or w/e it is, changed to paper towel cause she stopped since then... i don't see any signs of being about to shed, so im clueless..


New Member
North Carolina
Since she was on sand, it could be be impaction. How long has it been since you switched. If its been a few weeks, its probably not. nless she starts to lose weight I wouldnt be worried. Geckos go off food for a few days from time to time. Mine randomly did'nt eat for a few day a few weeks ago then started eating again. Just keep giving her food. What are your temperatures, if its not in the low 90's that could be it. If it goes on too much longer, like 2 weeks or so you could try giving her a slurry.


New Member
Wel... i put the sand in maybe 3 weeks ago. she never really ate normal... mostly my fault because I would feed her every other day.... dumb.... She ate a few meal worms a couple nights ago, and before that she was eating 2 or 3 crickets like normal (crickets I get are huge)

2 days ago she would not eat anything... wax worm, mealworm, crickets....
yesterday she spotted a mealworm and looked like she was going to eat it, but sniffed it and was like "nevermind".....

today I put her on paper towel and she hasn't ate one of the 5 in there..... she is still drinking water but barely pooping.... im worried about impaction because there have been a coupel tiems (which were only the times that I actually saw) where she would miss on a cricket and get it in her mouth....

can impaction be fixed at a vet? or is it like terminal heh.. ive kinda grown a quite likin of her and will pay whatever it costs


New Member
North Carolina
How long have you had here? Its sometimes takes a week or two for them to settle in but three seems a bit long. Im not sure what vets can do about impaction. The most effective thing I have heard of is giving her a warm bath and bit small drops of mineral oil on her nose for her to lick off. Feeding her every other day isnt bad if she not a juvinile. Mine actually only eats every other day. Its just her schedule.


New Member
I didn't know that superworms were equal to a days food...... I think she just didn't like the sand which is odd because she loved it as a juvenile.... she is really lazy and fat i dont think she likes chasing crickets, heh, so maybe i will alternate between the superworms and wax worms or something....

she goes coo coo for silkworms..... hard to find them though. she'll bite one and get scared and fling it across the tank about 3-4 times until she gets the balls to swallow it... hehe :)


New Member
as for a bath, last time I put her in water she flopped around like she was about to die... so i imagine you mean water she can stand in and stay above water?


New Member
Sheffield, UK
yes dont submerge them. water about an inch deep at most.

Also, a few days is nothing to worry abuout.

Plus, you just changed her substrate, it now looks like a new home for her... its like settling in again, might take a week.


New Member
I am confused when it comes to things in tanks... some people say this, that, etc. Right now I have oen of those orange rock things that have two entrances... one entrance being about 2-3 times bigger then the other... she likes it, then i have a water bowl and a smaller hide on other side.... I used toh ave a bunch of other crap but I never once seen her use it...

what should I keep my eye open for -- like a sign that there is definitly something wrong. I hope im not handling her too much but i let her run around on my bed when im watching a movie or something, she likes it (or so it appears)

When I come home and she seees me, she stares at me eye contact and all, and creeps out of her hide and comes up to the glass until i take her out... i mean she even gets into my hand, so she can't dislike it that much? Should I leave her be and handle less?

by handle i usually mean let her sit on my shoulder for 10-15 mins, or on my bed... (i have this thing that serves as a border/barrier so she can't get off the bed..)


New Member
Sheffield, UK
didnt you read my post above? ... if you moved her house round and changed her substrate then its not her house anymore, she's settling in again. So yes dont handle her until she has settled in again. And when she has settled in again she may start eating.


New Member
Leopard geckos don't need to eat as much when they get older, and definitely not every day. You probably only need to feed 2-3 times per week, depending on the amount given.

You don't need to worry about her not eating unless she is losing a lot of weight - keep an eye on the tail and make sure it stays fat.

Like others said, she is probably stressed out from the change in her habitat so it's going to take some time to get used to. She'll adjust and get her hunger back.

Also, since it's close to winter (and therefore maybe colder in your house), her metabolism may have slowed down as a result. Make sure your temps are still 90-95 on the hot spot, as they need that for proper digestion.

It could be just a seasonal thing too - my female is also eating less right now, even though the temps in her cage are relatively the same.


New Member
Her tail has stayed just as fat as its always been... and it is quite fat. lol. I am just going insane because I keep having to fall asleep to the sound of crickets because she is too stubborn to eat them....! I was almost up for a hour once and it resulted in me almost killing her! I had to chase around the little buggers for 10 mins to silence.

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