So I have a few week old baby gecko which i just purchased a few days ago. The first night i fed her 4 crickets, which she ate and kept down no problem. The second night because she's so tiny and young i wanna make sure she eats enough, so she ate 7 crickets, again it seemed like no problem. She was actively hunting them and was very interested in eating them. But then today I found that she threw up a few of I figured she just ate too much, so tonight I tried giving her 3 and shortly after she threw up 2.....could it be because I fiddled with the cage right after she ate (water spilled, and I wanted to replace the paper towels) and maybe being held and moved stressed her out? what should I do, and should I be really worried? :/ i'm thinking about not holding her at all tomorrow and just feeding her a few tomorrow night..maybe she's getting too much contact which is stressing her?