Worry point?


New Member
Blacksburg, Virginia
So I've had enough new geckos to know they take time to acclimate to the surroundings etc etc... however the new PetCo baby that I got last weekend has yet to feed. Normally I wouldn't be concerned, however you know pet store kids rarely come home in the best of shape. This one is still very alert and runs like hell anytime I try to check on her, so how long do I let her go without eating before I worry?


New Member
Buffalo, NY
how is your gecko is doing?
we got ours last weekend and she took a few days to eat, but now she is doing fine. She hasn't touched mealworms, but loves the Superworms and has also had a few crickets. I hope yours has settled into her new home.


New Member
Blacksburg, Virginia
Well, I have not seen her eat, however I've been putting the mealworms in a dish and leaving them overnight now. Unless I have 1 gecko that is pooping twice a night I'm getting 3 nice little piles in the morning. Last night was the first night I've ever seen her out of the hide... so I think she's settling in, just took her a quick bit longer then the others. As long as her eyes are bright and she runs like a bugger when I move the hides I don't worry too much... if she stops running away, time for a slurry.

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