Would you breed these morphs?

Lady Hyena

New Member
Competely random thought. I had my Bell albino out and my snow patternless came out. He normally doesnt bother showing himself but brought about this thought.

Would you breed a snow patternless to a bell albino? To get normals and snows het bell het patternless then take a mack snow het bell het patternless and breed it to a snow engimas het Bell(tug line) I ran it threw the Million dollar gecko morph calculator and got a large variety of answers@.@

what i got:
1.5625% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% Super Snow Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% Super Snow het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% Mack Snow Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% Mack Snow het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino
3.125% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
1.5625% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino
3.125% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
1.5625% Super Snow Bell Albino
3.125% Super Snow het Bell Albino
1.5625% Mack Snow Bell Albino
3.125% Mack Snow het Bell Albino
1.5625% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% Super Snow het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% Mack Snow het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% Super Snow Enigma (1 Copy)
1.5625% Mack Snow Enigma (1 Copy)
1.5625% Super Snow
1.5625% Mack Snow
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% TUG Snow (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% Bell Albino het Murphy Patternless
3.125% Normal het Murphy Patternless het Bell Albino
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino
3.125% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Enigma (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
1.5625% Enigma (1 Copy) Bell Albino
3.125% Enigma (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Bell Albino
3.125% TUG Snow (1 Copy) het Bell Albino
1.5625% Bell Albino
3.125% Normal het Bell Albino
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% Enigma (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy) het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% Normal het Murphy Patternless
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy) Enigma (1 Copy)
1.5625% Enigma (1 Copy)
1.5625% TUG Snow (1 Copy)
1.5625% Normal

Most of the offspring will show Banded or Jungle or Aberrant patterning and some reverse-striped or stripe markings are likely

Then took either the tug snow engimas bell albino het patternless or super snow enigmas bell albinos het patternless and bred it back to second generation. For a super snow patternless enigmas bell albino or tug snow patternless engimas bell albino. OBVIOUSLY this isnt a really seriously questions since the offspring would be hard to say whats what but I havent exactly seen any of these guys up for sale nor any pics and I'm curious to know what'd they look like. Again not seriously considering this please dont yell at me for asking*shudder* Genetics are kinda a interesting thing and im a curious person so i thoughtd id ask some good breeders:D:main_thumbsup: My favorite morphs are the snow engimas's so i like toying with the calculator to see what other outcomes can be;D
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