Wow, who knew???


New Member
North Carolina
Ok so I have my roach colony and they are doing fantabulous. They are breeding like crazy. I went to check on them the other day and as usual they all ran to hide. Except one female. She didn't move an inch. I thought she might be dead so I nudged her a bit with my finger. She moved a tiny bit but not enough to where I thought she was ok. I nudged her about 2 more times before she came up out of the little cup and beneath her were babies. Not newborn white babies but tiny little babies that had been born a long enough ago to have there first dark covering. I was kinda amazed that this mama roach was trying to protect her babies. I left her be and went on about my business. I came back to their enclosure and she was right back on top of them, same cup and everything. Well, last night I had the same thing happen but with a different female. But this time she started nudging them out of the cup with her head. I never really thought of roaches as maternal but this has changed my view. They are pretty amazing critters.

Molicka Molko

New Member
I Haven Have A Feeders Roach..
Wats Roach U Talking About..?
Future Im Gonna Get Myself A Dubia Colony..
To Get Rid Of MY Crickets..


New Member
That is really cool :) I wouldnt think bugs were that intelligent :D I love my roaches and i normally hate bugs.

Tonight i felt so bad though :( I gave Daisy a roach and after chewing on it for a while trying to pull it off the reptile carpet she spat it out and then refused to eat it.

It was all chewed on and squished the wrong way and struggling to walk...i knew it was pointless putting it back as it would probably die anyway so i killed it, and i felt so guilty :(

Then i cut it into small pieces and fed it to my babies...atleast it didnt die in vain ;)


New Member
Omaha, Nebraska
I have had that problem to geckonub. First only a couple of me geckos will eat them and half the time they only eat half of it and can't take down the rest. They are full grown to so who knows what their problem is.

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