Yay Zuko!


New Member
Here is little Zuko. I was finally able to get another gecko. If you don't know my first gecko Sparky died due to bad husbandry at the pet store, pin worms, and possibly crypto. :(

Here's a real sweet heart, at least I'm pretty sure he's a he. Anyways here he is! He's a little milky as he will be shedding soon.


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New Member
Nice to see you found another gecko. Im sure from all you learned with Sparky, he's in good hands.

Thanks, he looks a lot healthier than Sparky was, he belly looks good to. Everything looks normal and his tail is fat. :D

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New Member
Aw, I'm glad you got another one! Also, nice name. ;) And I love the markings too. <3 Did you get him from the pet store or a breeder?


The store. They never got new ones in but this guy is still from the most recent t batch, he's already been checked and is negative for crypto/parasites. He was a bit of a bully so they kept him in the back most of the time.

I checked him out before hand, his legs are strong, no missing toes or claws, he's squirmy and very curious. He's also shedding so he's growing. His eyes are clear and his organs looked normal from what I can tell. I'll throw a bunch of pictures up soon when he settles. I think he's gonna be ok though. :3

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New Member
He finished shedding and did it quite cleanly! YAY Zuko! He also ate a bazillion mealies. Well actually 5 I happened to have in a bowl and he gobbled them up and another 6 I dropped in there. It was awesome. He's so yellow I love it! I wonder what morph he is lol


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New Member
He's really gorgeous! I love his colors. I'm glad you got another one, and I'm sure he'll do well. :)


Me too, I didn't think he'd be such a bold yellow. I mean I know he was shedding but I figured he'd be more of a light yellow but I'm so happy he's so bold. <3

He's doing so well, I still can't believe he ate about 11 mealies today. I figured because of moving and shedding he would eat for like another week but I was wrong. He's a pig!

There is such a difference between him and Sparky and it really makes me realize how truly sick he was. I mean this guy has explored every inch of his tank within an hour of being put in there, he licked everything. He even got a hold of one of the overhanging leaves and linked it too. I even saw a little tail wiggle when he was feeding him. I love it. <3

Sparky didn't do any of that. He was very still and chill but I suppose it was due to him being sick from the start. I wish I could have done more for him. It would have been nice to see him so curious and playful.

It's really amazing seeing the difference.

I got one of those Zoo Med Mealworm feeders, if you haven't heard of it its basically a cup with holes so the mealworms kinda fall out here and there, you use the suction cup that comes with it to stick it to the side of the tank and put a bowl under it to catch the mealies.

He LOVED it. He was trying to grab them as they fell, he didn't succeed but he did eat another 6 worms for a total of 17 today. Nice.

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New Member
Little update! I weighed him and he weighs about 7.8 grams! He's 5 and 5/8 inches long from tip to tail.
That sounds healthy right?

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