You guys made my leos very happy! :)


New Member
United States
I am so glad I found this place!!
Now that we switched to slate with an uth and a pure calcium dish in the tank, my female, which used to hide at all times pretty much, now sleeps in the open. She made a big mess with the calcium powder around the dish, and that is exactly where she sleeps. The slate is nice and warm there. So she now sleeps completely open, all sprawled out, belly flat to the slate, and looks happy as a clam. She makes herself so flat, she looks like a little pancake.

The male now splits his snooze time between his beloved log and his house, which is right on top of the uth. Also belly flat to the slate.

I have learned so much here in just a few days, you guys rock! :)
camo belly 2.JPG camo belly 3.JPG camo belly.JPG

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