Tough to pick just one... I will say Bell Albino because it really seems to allow a gecko's pattern and color to pop. Plus, who doesn't love pink eyes?
Runner up for Gem Snow (or really any Snow) for essentially pumping up the pattern contrast.
I know my answer is such a big shock. Eclipse. I'm not really sure why though. Part of it is the personality on all my eclipse (purchased and produced). They have all been really mellow. Snake eyes is the big thing though. I love those little cross eyed looking babies that stare up at me. There is something unique with the eclipse morph, too. I've hatched a big variety of babies as far as pattern and eye pigment.
Mack snow. I love it because it both looks awesome and can make a bunch of other morphs look awesome, plus the genetic aspect of it is exciting. I have a project for next season that I will pair a mack het Tremper with a Tremper. This gives me the possibilities of mack Tremper, macks het Tremper, Tremper, and normal het Trempers. Then I will save my favorite mack/mack albino to pair with daddy to try and get me a SS or SSA. Makes waiting for eggs to hatch a real nail biter
Sent via Tapatalk whilst caring for Eublepharis macularis'
Definitely Bolds/Designers/Stripes. Im a huge fan of contrast. And since its polygenic its only going to get better and better. Mix in snows and tangs with that and you have some unbelievable animals.
Love me some Eclipse and of course Snows. I love the Eclipse because there can be so many different looks within one gene there is a look for everyone. As for the Snows... I mean who doesn't like a nice high white or reduced pattern Snow.
Sunglows, they are the ones that caught my eyes when I was ready to move up from normal/high yellows. I just love the smooth yellow/tangerine color on them.
I also have a thing for Mack Snow Eclipses and Super Snow Eclipses. Solid black eyes with speckled patterns, white noes, white feet, and white tail tip, what's not to love.
For now, I'd have to say Eclipse. I'm surrounded by the little boogers, 4 babies with 4 more on the way, 2 adults, several hets/poss hets. I love solid Eclipse eyes, but I'm secretly hoping that one of my babies ends up with partial snake eyes like my big male, because they just look really cool.
SCM my experience with the super snows I've hatched this year is exactly the opposite! They are the screechiest feistiest little buggers of the lot! At least the first two were, the second two I've hatched seem a lot calmer...haha.
I would have to say bolds/designers are my favorite traits to work with. I love the surprise of seeing what pops out of the egg and never knowing exactly what you might get!
As for a single gene trait I would have to go with eclipse too. I love the cute little white noses and feets! I also love the variety in snake eye to full solid eyes that can pop out. I hope to make some of these next season! Can't wait!!