Zilla Thermostat problems?


New Member
Has anyone had issues with the Zilla Thermostat? I had the probe connected in the middle of the right side(hot side) glass, which would be middle and all the way right to where the UTH is. My temps were reading crazy high with a temp gun, 100+ and even 110 in some spots in the middle of the UTH on top of the tiles. I had the thermostat set at 93 when I first started seeing these numbers, now I had it set at 87 and am still reading the same numbers.

Is there a better place to put the probe or is the thermostat just inoperable?

(btw I just noticed I posted in the wrong subforum)
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Alberta, Canada
I have the temp/hygro combo by them, and while the temp probe works fine, the hygro probe permanently malfunctions so much so that I don't even use the readings, and have a separate hygrometer instead.

As this device is the only one I have by Zilla, I'm not sure if I just got a bad one, or if they're notorious for issues.

If your thermometer is newer, I would try contacting Zilla and explain your concerns. I did that recently with one of their brand of lights that burnt out within days of purchase, and they replaced it for free with two lights to make up for it.


New Member
The thermometer I just got today, its a infra red temp gun, and I got it because my multi meter (fieldpiece sc76) I use for work has a temp probe and it was reading the temps and I thought maybe it was off which shouldnt be the case because it is highly accurate so I got the temp gun to double check and the temps are the same.. The thermostat is only about a 1.5 months old.

Also I was wondering if maybe I putty the probe down on top of the hottest part of the the heat mat if that would work better.. But right now I have the temps at 95 in the hottest part and stat is set to 85, doesn't kick back on until I raise it to 87, so it has to be a stat issue I am thinking.

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