Zoo Med Reptishelter Problem.


New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
I posted this question a few days ago in the housing forum but I guess no one saw it.

I just had a problem with my Zoo Med Repti Shelter. Went to clean it and my finger went right through the floor of it. It was very soft and brittle. I use sphagnum moss in it and it sits directly over my UTH. I realize that the temps were running about 115 to 120 on the surface of the repti carpet the shelter sits on but I figured they were constructed to withstand that temperature. I guess not.
I sent it back to amazon and received a new one.
If I need to keep the repti shelter's temp at 85-90 how do I do that if I have to regulate the temperature of the UTH with a thermostat?
It sits right on the UTH just to stay at 90. If I bring the UTH down to 90 won't the carpet, shell of repti shelter and moss insulate it too much? The inside won't reach 90 right?

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New Member
NE Ohio
I think you had asked this question in a different thread before. As I stated in that one, your humid hide does not need to be 85 to 90 degrees. I'm not sure why you are thinking this? I keep my humid hide in the center of the enclosure. The temps of my humid hide range in the 70's.


New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Hey all, I am sorry. I guess I just did not look around enough on the net for temps involving the humid hides. I had read a few care sheets that said to put the humid hide over the hot zone of the terrarium plus I figured hot and moist means more humidity.
I just read about 10 more care sheets and they either did not specify where to put it or put it in the cool zone.
Well I am learning. My girl is doing fine so I hope she will figure out the changes.

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New Member
NE Ohio
I don't like mine on the hot side, but I don't like it all the way on the cool side either only because I live in a cold climate. Therefore my cool side can get down to 72 degrees. So I keep it in the middle of the enclosure where the temps are around 76 or so.


New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
I should try to keep mine closer to the cool side because I live in Florida. The temps always fluctuate here so if it gets too cool I can use my heat lamp for her.

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New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Hey everyone,

So last night I took my gecko's cage and rearranged a lot of things in there. The moist humid hide is now on the cool side and I just rearranged a few of the other items to accommodate the size of the humid hide. Here is one of my questions.
I had to move the tile that my gecko goes to the bathroom on to the opposite diagonal corner of the terrarium. Will she recognize where to go to the bathroom now that the tile has been moved? From what I have read Leopard geckos are always on the move in the wild, so does that mean that if I move a few things around in her terrarium every day until I can accommodate what is good for her will that stress her out?
One other thing I am concerned about is that the tile that she goes to the bathroom on is now located really close to the warm side of the terrarium. It is not directly on the hard part of the element but more towards the tip of the end of the heating element so only half the tile is actually over the elements but it does not seem to be getting warm. Do I need to be concerned about this?

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New Member
Spring Hill, Florida
Well this morning I woke up and she pooped but because she use to poop on the tile that was in the back right corner and now there is a hide there she pooped on the side close to where the tile used to be. When we first started she pooped some where In the terrarium and I took the poop and placed it on the tile. After that she always pooped on the tile. This morning I took her poop and put it on the tile again hoping she will follow it like before.

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