New layout.jpg

New layout.jpg

I made a few changes to Carrot's vivarium
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Gravel is never recommended for leopard geckos as it can injure there soft underbelly and feat. They can also eat it and that will lead to an impaction. I wouldn't recommend any lose substrate. Instead, stick to a non adhesive under counter lining. It is cheap, comes in a variety of natural colors, easy to clean, and best of all has no risk of causing an impaction.
Gravel is never recommended for leopard geckos as it can injure there soft underbelly and feat. They can also eat it and that will lead to an impaction. I wouldn't recommend any lose substrate. Instead, stick to a non adhesive under counter lining. It is cheap, comes in a variety of natural colors, easy to clean, and best of all has no risk of causing an impaction.
Hi NearMeGeckos

This is an old picture of Carrots vivarium and it's changed abit since then. He's been living in the vivarium with that substrate, which I don't believe is gravel, for nearly two years. It's a leolife leopard gecko subtrate.

I have added some corn cob substrate to it recently and that seems to be going well.

He hasn't had any problems with impaction or under belly injury. He loves to kick it about and burrow in it which is fun to watch.

A while ago I put in a piece of fake grass which is extra soft and smooth. I may take that out as I have never seen him go on it.

I will keep an eye out for any problems.

Thanks for your concern and suggestions

Andy and Carrot

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Date taken
Fri, 13 March 2020 4:11 PM
4160px x 3120px

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