acpart's latest activity

  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Hello There!.
    They do tend to lose their tails more easily than leopard geckos, for example, but it's not like they get a little nervous and there...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Hello There!.
    They're not that sensitive about the tails. I have 4 cresties at the moment and all but one has tails. The one who doesn't have a tail...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Newbie!.
    Congrats on the gargs. Often they don't seem to be eating at all (I have some gargs and cresties I have almost never seen eating) but...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Hello There!.
    19 in June, I think. Amazingly he still has his tail. Lack of tail is very common in crested geckos, Aliza
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Gagging?.
    I had some leopard geckos on coco fiber for about 5 years and it was fine. When I kept Africa fat tail geckos they were always on coco...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Dusty The Gecko.
    Oh, here's the picture! Cute gecko. Aliza
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Hello There!.
    No need to be "professional" on this forum. Your enjoyment of Dusty comes through and that's always great to read. Pictures would be...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Morph inquiry!.
    There's no way to tell without seeing the whole gecko from the top. If you don't know which of the 3 albino strains your gecko is...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Gagging?.
    If you mean the coco fiber that looks like dirt, that's not really a problem for an adult gecko. If you mean something that's got...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Fussy eater !.
    In my experience it's not a problem for feeders to be around for awhile in a healthy gecko's tank. You're right that once the crickets...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Leopard gecko morph plzzz.
    The first one is an albino, though there's no way to tell which of the 3 strains. Based on the tail pattern it may be a stripe as well...
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread Gagging?.
    What substrate is she on? Aliza
  • acpart
    She's an albino (no black pigment) though there's no way to be sure what strain. She's very marginally a "carrot tail" since there is...
  • acpart
    Great! Hope it continues. Aliza
  • acpart
    acpart replied to the thread My leopard gecko is not eating..
    There's a good chance it has more eggs and will lay more. It would be great if you can find out from wherever you got it whether it's...