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  • Hey Josh i should be getting a baby leopard gecko in a couple weeks to a month have any advice for me i already know how to feed them i know how they shed.Any other advice?There is going to be 2 female baby leopard geckos 1 is going to be my sister's!
    Gecko Lover!<3
    Gecko Lover!<3
    Thanks for the info!I am keeping them in a 10 gallon tank but when they get older i will put them in a 30 gallon tank!
    Hey Josh just letting you know if you need a moderators to help you then I'm able to help and I know how you run the forums from the other 2 I'm a member on. But if you decide to pick some give me a update cause I'll do it and would love too. Well Sorry for bothering but I just wanted to tell
    Ya thank you and keep up the good work.
    hey ive got an african fat tailed gecko and a leopard and i am thinking about gettin' another repptile or something so any suggestions on what i should get??
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    Reactions: Josh2
    Tough to say... are you looking at another gecko or something else? I personally love tortoises too ;) :)
    i got my new gecko anything i need besides a under tank heater
    Hi Gabrial - Thanks for joining GeckoTalk! Can you post some photos of the setup you have? What kind of gecko did you get?
    how do I connect with facebook? won't let me and have tried couple times now.
    "error": {
    "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration.",
    "type": "OAuthException"
    Hello when is the next photo contest thing cuz sandy and diego are ready to become professional models
    We'll have another one in a month or two! Thanks for asking!
    I have a question for you all, when breeding Cresties is it better to use an incubator for the eggs or not? I did breed one this year and didn't use an incubator and my egg hatch percent was very low and I did everything according to what I read, any help would be appreciated :)
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    Reactions: Kaela
    Hi, it is a better idea to use a reptile incubator for the best results for your baby gecko eggs. But make sure the temperature is just right not too hot and not too cold because it may affect them when they are developing inside the fragile egg. Hope this helped :)
    No problem I already spreaded the word man and if you need a moderators I'm up to help anyway so just let me know and I'm still telling people
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