Hey Marie,
Congrats on the eggs you know your part of the way there already. First off DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! They were infertile to begin with. I always candle them with a small flashlight before I pick them up I run @ 30% infertile eggs on average. I even have 4 males in my group so its the luck of the draw on that issue. WHen I've found eggs in the past I tried to mark the eggs before I picked them up just touching them with a marker I crushed the shell. Its enough to make you nuts. I've found fertile eggs that they kicked up while digging in the sand If you get to the eggs within a few hours of being laid the embryo won't be situated in the egg so you won't drown it. Just relax you'll get more eggs and when you shine a light on them you'll see a pinkish glow to them and those will be good. Just be ready and things will work out. Good luck!
Congrats on the eggs you know your part of the way there already. First off DON'T BEAT YOURSELF UP! They were infertile to begin with. I always candle them with a small flashlight before I pick them up I run @ 30% infertile eggs on average. I even have 4 males in my group so its the luck of the draw on that issue. WHen I've found eggs in the past I tried to mark the eggs before I picked them up just touching them with a marker I crushed the shell. Its enough to make you nuts. I've found fertile eggs that they kicked up while digging in the sand If you get to the eggs within a few hours of being laid the embryo won't be situated in the egg so you won't drown it. Just relax you'll get more eggs and when you shine a light on them you'll see a pinkish glow to them and those will be good. Just be ready and things will work out. Good luck!