Ruby Dec 27, 2012 Reico now has a newspaper substrate. I will be getting a fire-belly newt soon and I am pumped! Happy holidays!
Reico now has a newspaper substrate. I will be getting a fire-belly newt soon and I am pumped! Happy holidays!
Ruby Aug 29, 2012 Reico is fed 4 mealworms and 3 crickets a week. Is that a decent amount? His tail is midway between fat and skinny.
Reico is fed 4 mealworms and 3 crickets a week. Is that a decent amount? His tail is midway between fat and skinny.
Ruby Mar 15, 2012 I am new to the reptile world, but I love it! I have one normal male leopard gecko who I've had for a few months. What reptiles do you own?
I am new to the reptile world, but I love it! I have one normal male leopard gecko who I've had for a few months. What reptiles do you own?