medical question

  1. B

    skeptical about food given by vet

    I recently took my few-year-old leopard gecko to the veterinarian because he was having issues with eating, and was given this food (pictured below) by the vet. I am coming to ask if it is even safe for a leopard gecko to consume, because they're insectivores and this is recovery dog/ cat food.
  2. P

    EMERGENCY, baby crested gecko potential tail rot

    I've had two babies me and my girlfriend have hatched at the end of July 2021, they've both been completely fine before no behavioral or physical issues, they're fed repashy every two days where they both have eaten completely fine. The only problem so far has been that one has been slightly...
  3. CaleighJo

    Advice on Juveniles

    I recently got my first juvenile a couple of weeks ago. He has settled in well, stayed active, been held, fed, pooping, and seems to be drinking from what we’ve seen. He ate fine yesterday, yet today he hasn’t taken for me and seems disinterested in any of the small mealworms or crickets I offer...
  4. J

    Leopard Gecko “boners”?

    Hello, So this might be a really stupid question. I have a male leopard gecko that is about to turn a year old next month. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that he was licking his vent area which I’ve never seen him do before. i picked him up and checked underneath his tail but couldn’t see...
  5. Sarcasticghost

    Gecko Won’t Eat?

    Hello, I work at a petstore and a customer came in looking to surrender their leopard gecko to the store. The store doesn’t take in animals but I decided to take it home. I was informed they got it 7 months ago and that it didn’t eat much and had trouble catching bugs. Looking at it is...
  6. B

    Having an Eye issue

    A few days ago my gecko went through a bad shed - so excuse the photo, she's currently soaking. I had taken her to the vet because one eye had a stuck eye retainer and the other had a piece of a shed that had her eye stuck shut. When I tried to gently remove it, pus was coming from it and she...