I have 3 gecko's that I would like to send off to new homes!
Rainwater Albino het eclipse het mp (Female- proven)
Bold (Hot Female PET ONLY)
Tremper Mack Snow (Male)
If you would like more info or have any questions feel free to contact me. I will consider discounts if you buy 2 or all...
Male Typhoon from Acid Stripe bloodlines. This boy is huge and gorgeous. Bright colors, feisty personality, and gorgeous 100/100 solid eyes. He'll be a great male to kick off a new or add to an existing Rainwater project!
Click here to go directly to his page.
Check out more like him on my...
1.1 Pair of Typhoons. $425 shipped!
CG14-14 - This male has some awesome coloration from a cross of a patterned Typhoon female to an Acid Stripe Typhoon male from Enigmatic Reptiles. He hatched on 4/19/14 and currently weighs about 25g.
CG14-38 - This female is from an Atomic typhoon...
Snow Las Vegas (Rainwater) Albino Patternless Males $200 shipped
Las Vegas (Rainwater) Albino Patternless Males $150 shipped
Las Vegas (Rainwater) Albino Males and TSF $100 shipped
Tangerine Bell SUnglow Poss Het Radar $250 shipped
Check out our For Sale album on facebook for more pictures...