
  1. U

    Gecko not eating

    My leopard gecko is 10 months old and has been eating as normal up until an about a month ago and since then he hasn’t eaten much other than 1-3 locusts every few days. He hasn’t lost any visible condition and I weighed him today and he weighed 91g. Almost every time I offer him food he tries to...
  2. acpart

    Gecko Time: Winter Feeding - Crested Gecko Diet Trials

    A crested gecko owner carries out some experiments with a variety of crested gecko food to find out which will best tempt their appetites in the winter months. The article includes some thoughts on how to choose the most nutritious as well as the best tasting diet: Winter Feeding: Crested Gecko...
  3. B

    Cold Weather Tips for reptile, Amphibian & Invertebrate Owners

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo Whether you keep a single, cold-hearty Common Snapping Turtle or a large collection of tropical...