2 and a half month old gecko feeding??

Gecko Guy

New Member
I got my baby leopard gecko 3 weeks ago and hes doing great. eating alot and pooping alot. But I'm scared about the eating part. Hes eating like 12 small meal worms a day. and he seems to want more and more. Last night he was eating and he ate so fast I guess that his throat area was really big and he was like struggling. He was able to swallow it all and he was fine, but Im just not sure how much I should feed him. How can such a small little gecko eat so much worms?! Can some one let me know how much I should feed him?? I cant seem to find an exact answer on google.

Arizona Leos

New Member
What I do with adults is feed twice a week with 1" mealworms. I fill the bowl with 25-30 each time and allow them to free feed. You can also do the exact same thing with hatchlings and juveniles, but keep in mind that hatchlings and juveniles eat more often than adults. This is because they are growing and need a lot of nutrients to sustain a growing body. I would try feeding 10-15 in a bowl 2-3 times a week and allow him to free feed. This will allow him to eat when he wants too, and he will know once he is full. Hope this helps:)!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
Most folks feed growing hatchlings every day and switch over to every other day when they are older. You should let him eat as much as he wants, unless he starts getting pudgy. He's putting all that food toward growing up!


Ridgewood, NJ
I've been feeding mine about 5/day or 10 every other day until they hit about 20-25g and move to every third day feedings. I don't believe in giving them as much as they want since I want them to grow at a gradual steady rate. I try to keep them gaining between 1g to no more than 2g per week. The amount and frequency with which I'm feeding seems to do the trick!

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