20 gallons, 2 leos... split in half


New Member
I noticed my leos nipping at each other today around/after their feeding time and I got worried so I'm thinking of splitting their tank. It's a 20 gallon tank and I have a tight fitting piece of cardboard splitting it in half for now. Is that enough room for each of them? I have 3 hides, a water and food bowl for each side.

As for heating, would it be okay if I had a 10-20 gallon UTH under the middle?

Idk if it's just one of my leos pmsing or something cuz she's sick... they got along fine for the first week and according to the previous owner they got along fine too. I just want to be safe and split them if it's okay.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I assume it's a 20 gallon long (30"x12"). Divided in half, that gives each gecko 180 sq. inches. Compare that to a single 10 gallon tank which provides 200 sq. inches so I guess it would be OK. Splitting a 10-20 gallon heater should also work.



New Member
It'll work but I wouldn't say it's ideal. With 3 hides, a water bowl, and a food bowl on each side it sounds somewhat cramped. There's also less room for adequate thermoregulation.

Also, if one is indeed sick, you're going to want to seperate them so the other one is less likely to get sick.

Consider in the future getting another tank but in the meantime it can work.


New Member
Well what if I just separate them during their feeding time and a little while after? That seems like the only time they get nippy... other than that they're usually fine with each other like they don't mind sharing hides together or being near each other.

I won't be able to afford another tank for at least a couple months... my parents won't allow me to work and they're not going to pay. They hate the leos =[


New Member
Elgin, Tx
Sometimes animals can live together for a while then one day just not like each other anymore. Also, a change in owners/home can make it stressful and they lash out at their cage mate. It's something to always think about and have another place to put one just in case.

Health problems can also bring on behavior changes as well. Keep an eye on them to see if one is looking sick.

I personally think that small of a space will work, temporarily, till you can get the other a 20 of it's own.

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