Something special from today, hope you'll like it . From parents Mack Snow Radar & Mack Snow Bell Enigma we have a Mack Snow Bell Enigma het Radar and a Bell Dalmatian het Radar (Mack SuperSnow Bell Enigma het Eclipse):
I've made an exchange with a friend who breed geckos as well and I have to share with you guys what I've brought home . The light is not good on the pictures but I think this one would glow as well in the dark :main_yes:.
Extreme Tangerine Bold Bell het Radar:
I had some hatchouts but nothing that special. Instead I want to show you how are developing some of the earlier hatchouts that now have a little bit less than 2 month, Mack Snow Radar, Bell poss het Radar, Eclipse het Radar and 2 xSHTCTB:
Thank you Kat&Rin . My season started early this year and I have hatched so far more than 100 babies but it would be to much alike fotos if I had put them all here .
Take care and best luck with your season!