20g Tall



I have an empty 20 gallon tall tank that I'm wanting to use for a couple of Leo's. Floor space is 12" x 24". If I turn it on it's side and use a hinged screen top for access then I would have 16" x 24" of floor space.

So what do you think? Has anyone here ever flipped one on its side and use a hinged screen top?


you could do that as long as you can be 100% sure the geckos wont be able to push open the hinged top. you do need to take into consideration that you will have screen that the geckos can get to. they can and most likely will try to climb up on it. and even though it is only 12 inches, they could fall or get their toes stuck in the screen. i really think your best bet would be to just get another tank that is the size you need. a lot of smaller pet shops will give trades on used tanks, and some sell used tanks cheap. personally i think a 20 gal long tank wold be good for a pair.

also, if you only have a pair, make sure they are either male/female, or preferably, both females, since one male can stress out a single female pretty easily.

good to see you are asking questions though. take a look at some basic care guides for leos if you havent already, because you will learn important things about them to help them have a healthy life.


New Member
New York
A 20 high is fine, I would reccomend just using it upright like its suppost to be. That will provide enough room for 2 leos, it does have alot of wasted height for leos but it can work. Leos need belly heat, so the height wont make it harder to heat for leos, because you should be using an UTH for them.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
20 Tall isn't big enough for two in my opinion....I personally think 10 gallon is too small for one, and with 2 in a 20 tall, they each have less than a 10 gallon space.


New Member
New York
Scott&Nikki said:
20 Tall isn't big enough for two in my opinion....I personally think 10 gallon is too small for one, and with 2 in a 20 tall, they each have less than a 10 gallon space.
If they get along, they will likely sleep together in the same hide. If you want to go bigger their is nothing wrong with that but IMO, for leos more room isnt really necessarry. They dont do much, they sleep most of the time, I just dont see them using or needing it but thats my opinion. My tokays however, use all their tank, everytime I go in the herp room, their somewhere else.


I came up with the idea because I did something similar for my Vorax, except I turned it on end.

I may try and do like Justin suggested and try to trade for a larger tank.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
That's how my leo is. Whenever I look she is somewhere else in her 20 gal long. Plus, I thought them sharing hides and sleeping together isn't exactly a good thing?


New Member
New York
Scott&Nikki said:
That's how my leo is. Whenever I look she is somewhere else in her 20 gal long. Plus, I thought them sharing hides and sleeping together isn't exactly a good thing?
Huh?, if their sleeping together, thats fine and means they get along fine. If one was on the one side and the other was on the other side all the time, it may mean the one is bullying the other.


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
ReptileMan27 said:
Huh?, if their sleeping together, thats fine and means they get along fine. If one was on the one side and the other was on the other side all the time, it may mean the one is bullying the other.

I think it is the other way around, Jason. They are solitary animals. If they are sleeping together, it may mean one keeps "invading the other's space". They want their own space. If they are always by eachother, that makes it easier for the "bully" to assume all food put over there is his/hers. A lot of people have said that their leos even sleep with the head rested on the other, thinking they are "cuddling" when it is, in fact, a dominance trait.


New Member
New York
Scott&Nikki said:
I think it is the other way around, Jason. They are solitary animals. If they are sleeping together, it may mean one keeps "invading the other's space". They want their own space. If they are always by eachother, that makes it easier for the "bully" to assume all food put over there is his/hers. A lot of people have said that their leos even sleep with the head rested on the other, thinking they are "cuddling" when it is, in fact, a dominance trait.
Of course even females can bully each other but that doesent mean its always the case:main_thumbsup:, I have kept many females together for many years without problems. No their not going to miss each other if seperated but doesent mean if they sleep together one is bullying or dominance. They should be provided with more then 1 hide and if they still choose to sleep together then that doesent mean anything bad. If leos sleeping together was bullying,dominance,etc... you would know pretty quickly, the one weaker or smaller one wouldnt eat etc...


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
ReptileMan27 said:
Of course even females can bully each other but that doesent mean its always the case:main_thumbsup:, I have kept many females together for many years without problems. No their not going to miss each other if seperated but doesent mean if they sleep together one is bullying or dominance. They should be provided with more then 1 hide and if they still choose to sleep together then that doesent mean anything bad. If leos sleeping together was bullying,dominance,etc... you would know pretty quickly, the one weaker or smaller one wouldnt eat etc...

Well, of course, it is not cut and dry. There are going to be times it works just fine. It is just a sign and you need to watch them very closely. It just seems like that size tank isn't large enough for 2, but you can always try it and see how it works out. Maybe I am just basing it off of how my leo is and she uses every inch of her 20 long, so who knows. Good luck with whatever you do!


New Member
Weymouth MA
This is Hidey McG's set up in a 20 gallon. I made the 2nd level out of styrofoam coverd with grout. By building some type of 2nd level you'll nearly double your floor space. Note: my 2nd level does not have a UTH, but Hidey hangs there at night before heading down to the UTH area. Hidey's a male & I'm not breeding so this is HIS home.


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