4:30am and beyond angry


New Member
Central Texas
So one of my roommates has been coming back to the apartment at 5 and 6 in the morning and its getting old quick. So I kindly say hey dude maybe you should be courtesy to the other 3 people living here and not be so dang loud. Not to mention he was inhibited by things i wont discuss most of the time. Anyway so he had laundry on the floor so i kindly put it in his pillow case waiting to see he's surprised and vivid face :main_laugh: . Well 2:30 rolls around and I fall asleep. Only to wake up at 4:30 to all my things missing. He had tucked dvds in my bed, thrown cloths all over the place, moved my laptops, xbox, and hid all my cords and cables for my electronics. While also writing notes (which I doubt I can say on the forum) that really hurt my feelings.

Point being this is why I moved out of dorms, because I like to be clean, and not have morons running around my room at 5 in the morning.

So I went for a run, so i didn't get into a fight.

This was all over nothing and now that I can't sleep, and I don't have classes til 2pm I'm screwed.......I seriously want to punch a tree or scream into a pillow.

I needed to get this off my chest, and decided maybe a forum member had any advice on how to deal with this type of person?

Thanks for the opportunity to vent some of the rage off. :main_thumbsdown:


Graphic Designer
Woodbine, MD
OH geez. I know my college would help out students by offering "Meet and Greet" get togethers so we could talk to potential roommates. There was even an e-mail they would send out to people looking for roommates that would list all available or people looking for roommates and would say a bit about each person. With things like do you do drugs, do you smoke, what are your sleeping hours, are you neat or messy- do you like someone who's neat or messy, hobbies/interests (I had to put my leopard geckos in mine), etc. It was VERY useful and really made up for the fact that our school didn't have dorms or housing.

Personally, if I were you maybe I'd have a little "roommate meeting" with all of your roommates together. Possibly during the day when the a*s isn't drunk.
He needs to know that you & your other roommate are serious about all of this. You need to let him know that maybe some people want to do well in school- this is an important time! If he cannot respect that then you need to tell him that you will start looking elsewhere. If you tell the landlord what is happening maybe s/he might cut you slack on your lease if you choose to break it and move elsewhere (I'm not sure maybe yours is a monthly lease, year lease, etc). If you really can't move maybe just say you're still living there but ask a friend at your school if you could move in with them- or at least temporarily until this guy gets the point.

Luckily, I never had to deal with complete jerk offs like this of course there was the occasional girly scuffle and issue- like that one roommate who just up and moved out one night to live with her boyfriend. I'm sorry you have to deal with this!!!!!! Hopefully, you can either get this resolved or leave.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I can guarantee that responding with a "revenge" move does not work. I think you found that out. I'd go with the room mate meeting idea. It sounds as if you don't object to him coming back early in the morning, just to him coming back at that hour loudly. If you are mostly going to communicate that you're mad and he's inconsiderate, it's likely that he'll get defensive and go on the attack, so you have to decide how much you want to give him a piece of your mind and how much you want to solve the problem. If you can take an approach of what he can do and what you can do, you may be more successful.


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