45 gals too much?


New Member
I found a spectacular looking hexagonal tank on Craigslist that I'm picking up tomorrow. It's 45 gallons, and initially I thought about putting a chameleon in it, but I also need a new house for a bunch of my cresteds. Since I have all females, I was wondering if it might make sense to put all my gals together in one big mega tank (figure that at least 4 adult geckos would live there). Then I read on a few sites that they might have trouble finding their food, and dealing with such a wide open space. Do you think a 45 gallon might be too large?


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
The issues with "too large a cage" is associated with babies. Adult crested have no problems finding food in larger setups, and a 45 gallon is hardly too big for adults. Hatchlings, on the other hand, can have issues finding food in cages beyond 10 gallons in capacity, hence why most keepers raise them in smaller setups then move them to larger setups once they reach subadult size.

You do have to be careful mixing females, not all of them will get along. You will need to watch carefully for signs of aggression.

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