6 and 5 months after hatching.


New Member
My babies are eating anywheres from 6 dubia babies to 12 mealworms and even 5-6 medium crickets. they dont stay on smalls for long LOL. Im sure if you start feeding them well and dusting properly and such they will start growing well. I have to agree tho breeding a deformitiy knowing its gentic is very very bad. Leos are so over bred as is you can easily get a replacement male with no deformities that will have healthy babies. If you ever sell them babies you be sure to tell them there father has a genetic kink. Its our duty who are breeding captive bred reptiles to produce nothing but healthy babies to keep the gene pool as clean as possible>.< tho leos arent very clean genetically there doesnt need to be more problems. That stomach does look odd which could be a cause from the genetic kink. often times something like that is a sign something mores up.ANYHOW offer them as much as they'd like. NEVER deny a growing baby food, ya know? Mammal or reptile. It has negitive effects. Hopefully their growth aint stunted to bad and they pick up in size.

Also you better not be shy about asking for money for them since your choosing to breed your geckos your gonna have a ton more mouths to feed which the price for food is gonna go up and up and up. Unless you start breeding your own(which will take a few months) which would be a good thing. Mealworms are very easy to breed and superworms are just one step higher then them. Roachs are also another great thing. Mine love them and easy to breed. Money is a issue when it comes to breeding along with time. You may not be paying but your parents are so be sure there ok with it and know that its gonna become more money. Crickets are a start but for more "roubust" leos variety will make them get fatter tails and more happier eaters(atleast this is what im finding)
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