6 new ones to start O.o


New Member
United States
So I finally got my leopard geckos and ended up with 6 of them :p I have 5 females and 1 male. So i plan on growing all them up and making a whole bunch of babies. Im pretty sure the female morphs are snow bell, snow albino, funky snow, stripe and bold stripe the male is a mack snow hopefully hell make some super mack snows!!! Not HD pics its with my phone lol I hope they turn out good when they grow up to adults.

So starting with the male Frostbite

The two female stripes (bold stripe on the left and stripe on the right) The one on the left is named Vixin... Lol my sister...

Snow bell, named snow bell :D

Snow albino, not named yet

And last but not least my funky snow, not named yet



Ghoulish Geckos
Congrats! Make sure you know their genetics 100% before you start breeding them. Make sure your male isn't het for tremper or rainwater if you're breeding him to bells, etc.


New Member
United States
Thanks I got them from a breeder and that's what he said the strains were and he seemed like he was pretty knowledgable with the genes so I trust him.


Ghoulish Geckos
Thanks I got them from a breeder and that's what he said the strains were and he seemed like he was pretty knowledgable with the genes so I trust him.

Most snows have hets. It's much harder now to find non-het animals, so you would want to double check. Also, the one you have as snow albino, make sure you find out the strain. Good luck with them!


New Member
United States
Im still new to all the traits, so whats the problem with having two albino strains mixing? And how would i figure out their genes?


New Member
Swansea, South Wales, UK
If you mix different strains of albino, you will produce double het normals. If you bred these to an albino you wouldn't know which strain of albino you've produced. In short, you'd be muddying the water and producing genetic mutts.

Someone will be along to explain it better than me though :)

Sent from my iPhone inside my human vivarium


New Member
Im still new to all the traits, so whats the problem with having two albino strains mixing? And how would i figure out their genes?

It's VERY hard to tell the albinos apart by just looking at them. Thats why it's important to know your lines.

I think you answered your own question pretty much. If you breed two Albino strains together you will end up with normal's possibly carrying a gene for one of the strains of albino so you might have a chance at a animal carrying a albino gene but on the outside it will look like a normal.

But which one is it carrying? No way to tell unless you breed to all three different Albinos and get a albino to pop out, If you get no albinos then it most likely don't carry a albino strain, thats a TON of time and money by the time you fingrue it out and get a albino offspring your Leapard is at the end of it;s breeding life span ad you have a bunch of mutt normals no one wants.

And if you breed a normal offspring from a unknown Albino pairing they might not EVEN carry the Albino genes.. later if you want to cross higher end animals you need to know what strain of albino they come from or it will not work..

Even if you pair two albinos together that are the same strain and produce albinos if you don't know what strain of albino it is how are you going to find it a mate to carry on your breeding program? you would be cluless if you wanted to add a male carrying hidden Albino genes to cross to your albinos or another albino animal.

You would not know as each strain of albino in leopards is it's own and if you don't breed to the same strain you'll end up with normal's so to get a albino you have to breed to the same strain or to animals carrying the same strain in their genes. If a normal carries a certain known albino strain you can get a albino with out breeding hundreds and hundreds of normal's that are a dime a dozen you can also map out other crosses so you have a clue to pairings and what you want to produce.. NO BREEDERS GOAL SHOULD JUST BE MAKING A WHOLE BUNCH OF BABIES.. I think your young and it's Ok to play around with breeding but you should do justice to your animals. Mutts can be hard to get rid of as people want animals with known genes for their breeding programs as breeding is fun. If your breeding for snake food then breeding a whole bunch of babies with random genes is a OK goal I guess. Babies EAT A TON so it's best you make sure what you are producing is worth your effort and other people will want them for more then snake food. It makes the animals have a TON better chance at finding a home and for a animal that lives 20 years thats a very good thing!
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Ghoulish Geckos
Everyone is correct. Albino strains should not be mixed. They do not produce a new type of albino and are not compatible. Breeding geckos isn't just about producing babies. Everyone thinking about it needs to learn genetics and breed ethically. Everything someone does will effect others, too. There are people who say that the geckos will be pet only, but they cannot prevent what happens 5+ years down the road when the geckos change hands again.


New Member
I wanted to add you have some very cute geckos to start out with, you might have to add a few more to get to a breeding goal but cute geckos and Good luck! you have some time to do your homework and pick out ones you want to raise and think about ones you need to add..


New Member
Northern California
You need to do a lot more research before you breed. When you go to sell these geckos you're going to have to answer one of two ways. "I don't know what they are." Or you have to lie. Either option is not good.


New Member
The breeder he got them from should be able to help walk him though it unless he got them from some whole sell place. I think he did good coming here for info.


New Member
United States
I got it from a guy at repticon who has a quite extensive breeding collection, however i never got his contact info, im trying to find him atm and get more info, i had no idea albinos were so tricky haha

Thaanks everyone for the info! I do plan on actually getting rid of most of my fish tanks for some more leopards :p, maybe i wont touch my albinos and just have them as pets not breeders.

Will the stripes and funky snow be ok to breed?


New Member
If the snows have albino it's the same deal. If it's just snow then I belive if say you breed your snow to a normal 50% would be normal and 50% would be snows.. Snows are a neat one I hear to work with as you can added to a lot of morphs But are there different types of snows?

Same as with hypos. I have no idea about the stripes or what a funky snow is? some type of jungle and a snow? I have no clue on jungles, Sorry I'm of no help.. hopefully you can get in touch with the breeder and they ARE a breeder and not just a dealer, sometimes shows have dealers and they just resell breeders rejects at their table and are cluelees about the animals..

I like your little collection of leos! so pretty.


New Member
United States
Well it was labeled mack snow, and funky snow, but im not sure funky is a morph haha, i think it was his and not a retailer, because it was a small repticon, only about 8 vendors.

He had black holes, enigmas, raptors, blizzards and i forgot the rest, but yea he had some nice ones in there.

Thanks, i got addicted pretty quick, was only expecting to get 3 females, but yaa know, stuff happens.


New Member
Jungle - Leopard Gecko Wiki

I think it's sort of complicated but it seems like maybe Ron temper came out with a jungle (A Jungle Leopard Gecko is a Leopard Gecko whose body and tail pattern are irregular. The body pattern will have broken or incomplete bands; the tail will not be banded, and will feature broken or absent bands.)

But it was thought to be seemly a Recessive trait..

But this guy seems to think he has found lines of jungles that are more easy to pass on I think? and calls them funky jungles.. seems like he just claimed a name for traits he was seeing poping up in his breeding program.


^ he is a member here so maybe he will be able to chim in. I'm going to guess that like horses that are pinto, certian pinto pattrens will pass on 50% of the time and you can tell by how the markings are laid out on the animal.. so if your horse has those markings, one of the parents HAD to be the same as far as pattren goes as it's a dominant gene. if the horse is (Homozygous) for a certain pinto pattren it will pass on the pinto pattren 100% of the time so it breeds true... you can take the guessing game out of a animal that is Homozygous for a trait.

You would have to know your animals genes and put it into the Calculator. If your going to be breeding you need to know how to use this..

Leopard Gecko Genetics Calculator

I breed angelfish not leapard geckos so I'm not very helpful on gecko genes..
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Ghoulish Geckos
Funky jungles are a special type of jungle that Michael bred. You can contact him to find out if that's what you have. There is a certain look that he can pick out.

For the snows, you need to know if they have hets before you breed them. One could be het tremper and another could be het bell. That would make them not compatible. Buying geckos for breeding purposes are different them buying for pets. You need to know full genetic details on each animal. Repticon should have a list of all breeders that had tables at their shows.

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