You're new geckos look like they have super nice coloration and are really healthy. I bet whoever produced them does know what they are. If you can find out you'll be golden. The main thing about not knowing the albino strains is that most breeders will not buy them if you can't provide evidence that you know their genetics since they want to know what albino they're working with and producing. If you don't know your audience will be limited to a local pet-seeking crowd and you'll have a much harder time finding homes for babies. 5 females should produce somewhere between 30-100 babies so get ready for lots if you breed them all!
Yea, i do love them all, but the problem is i was not able to find out who the guy was, and believe it or not repticon never replied to me :/
I do really want to make some mack super snows, which you do by putting my two snows together right? I would be keeping these ones as pets, just really want super snows.
Thanks, im trying to keep them that way! That link only takes me to my FB page... I see it says J2 geckos though, but idk how to confirm its him, it is the man in the video though.
Lol someone was nice enough to send me a message on our FB page. Both of the snows have no known hets so breeding them together shouldn't be an issue. As for the funky, that's just what I call some of my jungles that come out with interesting patterns, more of an adjective than a line description. As for the albinos, the bell I produced so he/she is 100% bell. The other snow albino I purchased from Reptile Industries, he/she is most likely tremper however they use rainwater to make their patternless albinos so there's a slight slight chance it could be rainwater. That's why I didn't label it either way and don't recommend breeding it unless you are prepared for the numbers of babies it takes to prove it out and label the babies appropriately if you were to sell them.
Thank you for the compliments on the geckos everyone, sorry it took a little while to find me. Hope you get your super snows one of
my favorite as well. If you breed the snow male to the snow bell female you could produce some snows and super snows both het for bell and then breed them together and possibly make some super snow bells as well which are another of my favorites. Just make sure you have enough room for what you produce and can take care of them properly. If you have any questions hop on our FB page at or send me an email at [email protected]. We'll also be at Tampa Repticon this weekend and at the Reptiday in Ft. Myers on July 5th.