90 Gallon Newbe


New Member
Lake Worth, Florida
Ok where do I start?
I have a 90 gallon ex fish tank I want to convert to a leopard Gecko setup ( 2 Geckos to start 1M/1F).

I plan on using sand on 75% of the tank with floor tile on top. I will seal the tile on all edges and add a 1/2 inch tile on the opening side to seal the sand in. Now for my questions.

1 Should I use a heat pad under the tile or under the sand and what size and wattage? I am planning on only heating 50% of the tile area about 1 1/2 feet.

2 Will the heat from the heat pad be enough to keep the other side of the tank warm enough?

3 I have a fluorescent hood with 2 24 inch blubs. I was planning on putting in 2 black lights would this be fine at night or do I need something to provide more heat?

4 What kind of light should I use for the day? I do have another fluorescent hood like above, would 2 whites work? I am trying to eliminate any bulbs sitting on the top due to a cat in the house.

The other side of the tank will be the cool side with something other than tile that will hold some moisture, any suggesting what to use?

Michael Sebar
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Active Member
Southern Illinois
Sounds like a nice big cage! :main_thumbsup: Why do you need sand under the tiles at all? I would think additional insulation material makes heat distribution even more difficult. (I use hydroton as substrate; too big to swallow, and allows for easy spot-cleaning. Gets warm, too. Only, they can dig under it and come too close to the UTH, which they can't do with tiles. You could use tiles for the hot spot with the UTH, and hydroton in the cold spot for digging, which they love. Looks natural, too!)

I wouldn't use white lights at all. For the day, I would use red lights, and for the nights those nice purple ones (nite light/black light), even in addition to your UTH.

I think the biggest UTH's out there are for 30-40 gallon. The cheapest ones I can find are on amazon.com. If one is still too small to heat the area you want, maybe put two under the tank in the hot corner, next to one another? The heat pad has to go under the tank itself, not under the sand or under the tile. It's supposed to stick on the glass from below. Otherwise, if inside the tank, it could get wet. Also, where would the cable go? You don't want to drill a hole in the glass, or let the cable come out at the top.

No, a heat pad on one side under the tank won't keep the other side warm enough. But if your house has a good room temp of 75-80, it's okay for the cool side. In winter, if it gets really cold in your place, you can balance this out with a heat lamp on top.

Also, UTH's don't last for a very long time. You don't want it inside your tank with the tiles all sealed up and not removable. If it's below the tank, you can tear it off (hard work sometimes) and replace it. The glue will lessen with the years, it might get loose or brittle, or I also had one where the contact broke and it didn't get hot anymore. You need easy access to your UTH from outside the tank to replace it when it becomes necessary. It lasts longer than the heat lights, though! Those burn out every 3 months or so (at least mine often do).

You know that a male and female will start breeding.... Do you want them to, and are you ready for it? Otherwise, I would put a glass separation wall in between them and split the cage in half, so there's no interaction except for visual one. One female per male is very stressful for a female; they're best kept in harems if you intend to breed.

Please post a pic of your set-up when you're done :main_yes: Do you have a nice background yet? What looks really good is the Habiscape rock wall (google it ;-)).

Good luck with your big project!



New Member
Wales, U.K
Good advice!

Out of curiosity, what's the measurements of this tank? I have something similar but it's not a tank yet if you understand? But I'd like a ruff idea on what gallon it would be.
I know there's a way of working it out but I have no idea how lol (I'm not stupid, honest) :D

Good luck by the way :)

ace bomer

geckos rule
90gal! one happy leo. put the heating pad on the side of thank to prevent burning the leo. and go to petmsart in order to get the right heating bulbs needed, and may i suggest using reptile carpet as a substrate. much easier then sand. aleays keep 2 on hand


New Member
Lake Worth, Florida
I read somewhere that I should use a small layer of sand under the tile. I will now toss that out and just use tile on one side. Can the red and black lights be fluorescent or do they need to be incandescent to produce more heat. I live in south Florida and my house is between 73 and 79 mostly on the lower end 74/75 at night and 77/79 during the day. I was concerned that the uth would not produce enough heat to get it to 95 degrees. If I get 2F and 1M would that work. I can always get the 2F first and then maybe after 6 months add the male. I do want to breed them and sell the off spring. Do I have to separate the male or can the male stay with the 2 females? For the background I am doing the sStyrofoam thing. I am very handy and already have most of what I need to start. Also do you know how the “kritter cages” by Leo are? Wife is having issues with the possibility of the crickets getting loose. I will post my project as I complete each section. Thank you

Michael Sebar


New Member
Lake Worth, Florida
Good advice!

Out of curiosity, what's the measurements of this tank? I have something similar but it's not a tank yet if you understand? But I'd like a ruff idea on what gallon it would be.
I know there's a way of working it out but I have no idea how lol (I'm not stupid, honest) :D

Good luck by the way :)

Thanks for the luck I will need it. The 90 is 18" deep 48" long and 18" high.


Thanks for the luck I will need it. The 90 is 18" deep 48" long and 18" high.

A 90 is 48x18x24, you might have a 75 which is 48x18x20
As for the heating pad, I got mine for my 75g from beanfarm.com, I would recommend the ultratherms. I use an 11x23 and it was perfect, and definitely stick it under the tank. Mine heated up to 98 through 3/4 inch glass so you should be fine.


New Member
Lake Worth, Florida
A 90 is 48x18x24, you might have a 75 which is 48x18x20
As for the heating pad, I got mine for my 75g from beanfarm.com, I would recommend the ultratherms. I use an 11x23 and it was perfect, and definitely stick it under the tank. Mine heated up to 98 through 3/4 inch glass so you should be fine.

My bad yes it is 24: high.

Do you have the 11" for the depth and if so do you have it pushed back or centered from front to back? It seems you would be about 5" short after you subtract the tank frame. I guess you can turn it but part of the pad would be hanging in the back and you would only have 11" of heat space. Which way is better?


New Member
Lake Worth, Florida
So if I have 62" x 15" x 14" what sort of gallon isit?

You are hacking my thread, you should start a new one next time.
Search google for
how to measure a tank for gallons

If you have to convert feet to inches just divide by 12 and round off. This will give you an approximant.

Yours is about 58 G


New Member
Wales, U.K
I'm not hijacking! I was just curious and you seemed like you'd have a quick answer in relation to the topic you started. I think it's called a conversation or something like that :/ anyway, apologies, I won't waste you precious time no more.
Good luck


My bad yes it is 24: high.

Do you have the 11" for the depth and if so do you have it pushed back or centered from front to back? It seems you would be about 5" short after you subtract the tank frame. I guess you can turn it but part of the pad would be hanging in the back and you would only have 11" of heat space. Which way is better?

Yes 11 deep. I centered mine, if you use tile it will warm the whole tile

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