A baby gecko, just a few simple questions


New Member
oh so i have a baby gecko, i recently posted that one was prematurely and accidently hatched, well the othe one that was left hatched today :D so no i have a perfectly formed healthy baby,

ok so i have it in an 8x8 inch tupper ware box with a heat pad under one side with a very gentle heat, the floor is made up of paper towels and ive used a jame jar lid for a shallow water dish with dechlorinated water, (i will also use another small one to keep small meal worms in)

it seem happ enough ive provided a hide for it, ok so the questions

does that sound ok as a set up? im reletively new to this
does it need a calcium dish ?
should i be moistening the enclosure.. if so .. how? (without drenching the paper towels.
small crickets and small mealworms are ok right?
(this sounds dumb) but is he guna be ok on his own? do they feel paranoid when alone?
its in a pretty dark place... is that a good thing?

and just some general ones

when does he loose the standard stipes and get the colours he inherits from the parents?
how quickly do they grow?
when is the first shed?



New Member
Congrats :)
I keep a calcium dish with my hatchlings just in case and when I feed them mealworms I put them in the Ca dish so they gobble some of that down as well. I personally always feed pinhead crix for the first month then start mixing it up. Yes, the hatchling will be just fine on it's own. I can't say what their emotional state is but I have noticed more leo's stressed with others then without. And a dark place is fine IMO, they just came from a dark egg so I would assume it would make them more comfortable. These are just my opinions though so someone with more experience can jump right on in.
It is hard to pinpoint when their stripes will start to change bc it's really more based on weight and length which varies with each leo & their morph. The first shed is normally in a couple of days after hatching up to a week. If you do not see them shed you can always tell they did bc they will normally produce their first defication from it which is a greenish shade, after that it is safe to add food items for them.
In my experience the first month is a pretty slow growth but it picks up pretty quickly after that.

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