This discription does not look recssive to me.
""Abs" first appeared here in 2005 from Eclipse times Raptor crosses. Since that time we have produced over 45 such geckos, which look almost identical to each other. Any dark body markings are actually concentrated brown pigment. Rows of dark spots or banding, yellow body color and some degree of carrot-tail is typical of an Ab. Some Ab eyes may be snake-eyed with black color and still have the red vein lines in the other half of the eye.
Ab crossed to another Ab gives all Abs. An Ab crossed to an Tremper Albino gives all Abs - het for albino.
This morph tends to be a "genetic enhancer" as it may unlock very nice and unusual pattern and color combinations when bred to other morphs, even in the first generation. I have test bred the Abs for 3 years and it is now time to put it out for everyone to work with and improve. There is so much yet to be learned about leopard geckos."
If an abyssinain was recessive the above highlighted text off of the link you provided would say, "abyssinain crossed with a tremper abino gives all normals het abyssinain het albino." In this case it seems more like it's dom than recessive.
I'd be inclined to add this "morph" to the Genetic's Sticky under dom at this time, but I will wait till there is more information from multiple breeders working with them.
I saw that also and Tremper made a mistake, he just didn't correct it. If you look at his leos for sale you'll see that many say "het" abyssinian. It is recessive.