A couple preparation questions!


New Member
Northeast Washington
Hi guys!

So I have a couple questions that I need answered in preparation to buying out first Leo.

1) We live in Northeast Washington, and winters can get pretty cold. I'm planning to use a tub as housing. I'd like to use flexwatt and keep the hot end at around 90F. Sometimes it can get down to the low 60's, high 50s in my room. Would that temperature be ok for the cool end of the enclosure or should I consider running another length of flexwatt on the cool end to bring it up higher?

2) What is the average cost of feeding two adult female Leos? I'm planning to feed mostly mealworms, and we'll be starting our colony of roaches (dubia). So based on two adult females eating mealworms exclusively to begin with, how many will they eat on average in a month?

3) For supplementation, I think I'm going to go with the Repashy brand, unless you guys recommend a different one. Is the Calcium Plus a complete vitamin for Leos? Or would I need a different one in conjunction with that as well?

I had a couple more questions, but they are totally escaping me for now.

Thank you!


Staff member
Somerville, MA
1. Some people feel strongly that they need to heat the room or the cool side in winter. I don't. I live in New England and my house will also be in the low 60's at times in the winter. The warm hides are over the UTH and if they want to be warm they'll be fine in there. The cool side will be . . . cool and I do have some geckos that spend most of the winter sleeping in the cool side in a kind of brumation. You should be fine.

2. Figure each adult eating about 15 mealworms every other day (just a guess, I don't count) and do the math

3. I have been very happy using only Repashy's calcium plus.


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