A few of my Favorite up coming breeders



Here are some of my gecko offspring that will be breeding this year. First is some of my Rain Water( LV) Albinos: I was very fortunate to get some interesting markings. The Parents are not shown here yet the father was a jungle RW albino and the female a banded. I will be a LVPA to the mix also. Pic not shown here. I was wondering how many people can add more pictures on a post that the 5 or 6 allowed. If anyone can help me with this or if you have comments on my geckos please let me know. I will also doing a few breedings with Red Stripes to Rain Water albinos This year. I also have some SHTCT and Normal Het for Rain water which I will work with too. Let me know what you think, Breeding season has begun here. Deb

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