A few questions about my new baby Leo


New Member
Hey guys, i've just recently purchased a juvenile Leopard gecko. I've been doing a lot of research, and have found a lot of conflicting information, especially regarding feeding/dusting. Some say he needs a calcium dish at all times of pure calcium and some don't. Then i've read that i need to dust his food 5 times a week with a calcium supplement and twice with a vitamin supplement. Others say he only needs vitamins once a month, and still I've read where some say they use d3 every day in small amounts. I just don't know what to believe. When I first got my Leo i bought some Repto Cal with d3 which i later found out was bad to give every day. I haven't been able to find a calcium supplement without d3 as of yet. Can you guys make any recommendations? Also, I've been wondering if my gecko is eating too much. For instance last night he ate 6 mealies and 2 wax worms and acted like he was still hungry. Ill feed him 6-7 food items and he always still seems hungry, and will be running around his cage looking for more. The same with crickets hes eaten 8-10 before he acts full. Is this too much?? Any advice would be appreciated.


New Member
I wouldn't feed him wax worms at all, they are very fatty and can be addictive. If he seems hungry, then keep feeding him until he doesn't want anymore, he is growing and needs food. My gecko went through a period where she ate 25 mealies per night. They can regulate their own food, so just let him have it until he has had enough. As for dusting, I dust every day with a vitamin supplement and leave a calcium dish in the tank at all times, but everyone does it different.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
The reason you find conflicting info is that there is more than 1 way to do things. I have used 2 methods:

a. keep a small dish of calcium without D3 in the tank (Repcal and Zoomed both make calcium without D3; Repcal may be easier to find in pet stores). Dust feeders each time (it's not a big deal if you skip occasionally) alternating with calcium with D3 (Repcal again) and vitamins (Repcal Herptivite). For mealworms, sprinkle it on the worms

b. don't keep any calcium in the cage (though I do tend to keep the non-D3 calcium for hatchlings) and dust all feeders with Repashy Calcium plus (which is an all-in-one supplement)

Feed as many feeders (I agree, waxworms aren't worth it) as the gecko will eat. At a certain size it will cut down on amounts.



New Member
I use Nekton-Rep as their multi vitamin, it was recommended by their vet, here is the link and this is the one I supplement with every day on their mealworms:
I just use a calcium supplement from petsmart, I dont remember the name of it right now but this is what I keep in their tank all the time

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